Just a Dream (Bucky Barnes)

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  Bucky and you walked hand in hand through a beautiful park. You leaned against him with a big grin while he had a small smile, everything was perfect. You both came to a halt when you both saw a black van pull up to the two of you. Bucky's protective instinct kicked in instantly, he pushed you behind him and he held up his metal arm. Hydra agents hopped out of the van with their guns pointed at Bucky and you. Seeing that Bucky or you didn't have any weapons besides his arm, he grabbed your hand and you both run in the opposite direction. The Hydra soldiers started firing their guns but Bucky and you dodged them with ease.

You soon both were in an abandoned warehouse and you both managed to lose Hydra. Breathing heavily, Bucky had a smile on his face. Your (eye color) eyes stared longingly into his icy blue ones as you leaned into to kiss him.


It seemed like slow motion. Your face contorted from happiness to one of shock. Bucky's and your's eyes slowly looked down at your chest and saw blood spreading through your shirt rapidly. Now pain was clear on your face as tears started rolling down your face. You start to collapse towards the floor but James caught your body. He slowly sits on the floor with you in his lap, his tears already dripping down onto your face, mixing with yours, as he tried to somehow stop the bleeding.

"B-Bucky..." You croaked out, blood leaked from your mouth.

"O-Oh god...(Name)..." Bucky sobbed as he held your body close to him.

"I-I...love you, James." You whispered before the life in your eyes faded out. The Winter Soldier let out a strangled sob mixed with a scream. His hand smoothed out your (Hair color) hair while he continued to cry, not caring about the Hydra agents approaching him. He felt hands grip his shoulders. He instantly swung back his metal arm and grabbed the neck of the soldier.


"Bucky!" You shook your boyfriend's shoulders. You heard him yell and cry in his sleep and you desperately tried waking him up. You saw his blue eyes snap open as his hand latched to your throat. "B-Buck!" You choked out his nickname. His eyes widen and he instantly let go of your neck and sat up.

"(Name), your okay." He sounded relieved. You looked over his face and saw a tear fall. Before you can say anything to him, he pulls you into a tight hug. He Bucky buried his face into your neck and he silently cried. You knew of his nightmares, but never have they made him like this. Your left hand slowly rubbed light circles on his bare, scarred back while your other hand was him his dark brown locks. You both stayed in the embrace for five minutes before James slowly pulled away from you.

"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked while cupping his cheek, wiping away a few tears with the pad of your thumb.

"We were being chased by Hydra and...and you got shot. You died in my arms. It seemed so real." He barely spoke over a whisper.

"Oh Bucky." You gave him a sympathetic smile. "It was just a dream, I know you will protect me from danger."

"I love you so much, (Name)."

"I love you too. Now let's cuddle and try to keep those nightmares away." You gave him a soft kiss on the lips and then a kiss on his temple. You both lay back down with your arms wrapped around his waist and his metal arm keeping you close to him.

You both fell asleep almost instantly and James 'Bucky' Barnes didn't have a nightmare for the rest of the night.

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