Hottie Boy(Peter Quill)

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Today wasn't an average day for Quill or (Name). Usually they would be off in the galaxies causing havoc, not sitting in the dentist office. (Name) was getting her wisdom teeth pulled while Peter waited in the waiting area, earning a few strange looks from others because of his attire but he didn't care. (Name) was from Earth as well and needed some health related things (like this for example) needed to be dealt with on the planet Peter used to live on. None of the less it worried him beyond no doubt that his girlfriend will somehow get hurt in there.

  "Peter Quill?" He heard the Dentist call his name. "(Name) is now recovering and you may go and visit her but I warn you, she is a bit off from the anesthetic." Peter quickly followed the doctor to (Name)'s room where she was lying in a bed. Her (eye color) eyes were glazed over; her head was rolling from side to side and her mouth was full of gauze. "I'll leave you alone with her while I work on getting her discharged." The Dentist left the room quietly.

  "Oh... my god." (Name) giggled, her words were slurred greatly. "Guess what?

  "What?" He was just going to humor her.

  "You're...You're....HOT!" She smiled cheekily, the cotton in her mouth showed easily. "Hottie boy. I wish I could date you!"

  "You are dating me." He laughed at her drugged state. (Name)'s eyes widened and tears started falling out of her (Eye color) eyes. "What? Why are you crying?"

  "I' a space man!" She sobbed. "Momma won't be proud!"

  "Your mom actually adores me, (Name)." Peter laughed a bit and checked the clock on the wall for the time. "Almost time to take you back to the ship, Darling." (Name) nodded her head rapidly with a big smile. Peter relaxed a bit in the chair and glanced around the room before he heard a gasp come from (Name). His eyes darted back at her and saw her staring at her lap; one of her slightly bloody gauze pads was in her lap. She started sniffling and tearing up. "What's wrong now, babe?"

  "My... My tongue fell out!" (Name) wailed; it took all of Peter's will power not to start laughing. "At least..." She sniffled, "At least I'm with you, sexy."

  "You're tongue didn't fall out."

  "What?!? Well that is cool I guess." There was silence again. "I wonder if Rocket will let me snuggle him."

  "Why snuggle with him when you got me?"

  "That is true...but then I would be kissing ya stupid, handsome face!"

  "You love my stupid, handsome face and you know it!" (Name) laughed as well as Peter.

  "I...I think I am gonna nap for a bit, I will be dreaming of your sexy face." The (hair color) haired lay back and almost instantly fell asleep just when the Dentist walked in. She instantly shot up with her eyes wide open. "NOPE! I AM NOT GONNA SLEEP, THANOS WILL GET ME."

  "I see the drug is still in her system." The dentist laughed. "Well she is free to leave when she is ready, just be careful with her." Peter nodded and started helping (Name) out of the bed. She clinged to his arm as she hopped out of the bed, staggering a bit.

  "Let's go, Peter! We gotta do a date on the moon!" She kept her grip on his arm as they left the dentist office.

  "A date on the moon it is, but you have to wait until you are back to normal. We don't want you floating off." The two quickly made their way to where the ship was hidden.

  "I'm hooked on a feeling~" (Name) started singing

  "I'm high on believing," Peter joined in.

  "That you're in love with me!" They sang in unison as they entered the ship, both smiling and giggling.

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