Everything's Okay (Scott Lang/Ant Man)

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I sighed quietly as I left the small café; tired of waiting for Scott Lang, my boyfriend, to show up. We had both had planned a small night out together at a local café but appears he wasn't going to show and I was done waiting for him. I know his job as Ant-Man was important and taking care of his daughter was too, but we both had planned this night long in advanced and for him to blow it off made me upset beyond belief.
I trudged down the darkening streets to my apartment, trying to keep calm and not to let my emotions burst out. I pulled my coat closer to while my (eye color) kept glancing around just in case for trouble. Right when I turned a corner I was slammed against a wall by a gruff looking man with a knife. I wanted to scream but he kept a firm hand over my mouth.
"So girl, you gonna struggle or are you going to enjoy this?" He gave smirk. I tried shoving him off me but he kept his knife at my throat. "Don't be like that sweet heart, let me do my job." Tears were streaming down my face; fear was pumping through my veins. He chuckled darkly and leaned his head in close to my neck. I whimper softly as I felt his scraggly stubble scratch against my skin.
"Get the hell away from her!" I heard the familiar voice of Scott yell as he dragged the attacker off of me. I slumped down to the ground and watched Scott beat the harasser to pulp. Scott quickly squatted down to me and placed both his on my cheeks, checking everywhere to see if I was hurt at all. "Babe, are you hurt? Oh god, I am so sorry."
"Scott, I-I'm fine. Just help me up please." I mumbled while he tried getting me up to my feet.
"I am really sorry, (Name). Hank Pym kept me late-"
"Its fine, Scott-"
"It's not! I should've been on time and I should've been here, walking you home. I could have lost you, (Name)." I could see tears brimming in his green eyes.
"Look, you saved me. You made it on time and you got to me. Let's just get home and spend some time together to make it up." I wrapped an arm around one of his. "Everything is okay now, I forgive you." He breathed out and gave me a small smile.
"Yeah, let's have a few beers. Maybe Luis can make us some waffles." I laughed along with him as we walked away. Scott made sure to give the harasser one last kick before calling Paxton to pick up the gruff man. "Like you said, everything is okay."

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