Chapter 5

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I yawned as morning light filtered in through the blinds of the window, onto my face. I looked over to the bed next to me to see Ferra sound asleep, the rise and fall of her chest visible in the light.

I sat there in silence, staring at the ceiling until a knock was heard at the door. I slipped out of the bed and opened the door to be greeted by Stump.

"Ayyyy! Was up?"

"The ceiling,"

"Heh! Right. Your with me today, I'll be in the living room waiting for ya,"
He said dashing off down the hallway.

I closed the door after his tail disappeared around the corner. I went to grab some of the clothes Jade had gotten for me and Ferra.

I quickly got changed, brushed my hair and teeth. Then went to the living room where Stump waited. He was sitting on the couch until he noticed me and hopped up.

"You ready to have some fun?!"
He asked excitedly.


He said purring at the begging of the word.

'Looks like another joke lover like Hazel,"

I thought following Stump out the door. He started talking to me.

"Okay so we're gonna go to Thunder first, he's gonna help sharpen my scythe. Then we're going to stop by and talk to Spotted and my sis. Lastly we'll do the most important thing of all. Guard duty with Gorse and Timber! Got all that Sarah?"


He purred continuing down the road that led to the blacksmiths.

As soon as we got there, I could smell the fire and molten metal. I guessed they had normal weapons and then their magic ones. We both entered the dark building, heat clouding up into my face. Stump bounded up to a counter on one end of the building and rung a bell a few times. A loud pounding noise had been ringing throughout the building until Stump rung the bell.

A door opened up from behind the counter. The brown tabby was covered in soot and ash, his green eyes seemed to pop because of the darkening of his fur.
"The usual please!"
Stump purred summoning an almost transparent amber scythe and placing it on the counter.

"Will do,"
Thunder said grabbing the weapon and taking it to the back again.

I remembered this guy from when Jade first showed me and Ferra around, he was in the garden with Spotted and Hazel Jr.

I looked around waiting for Thunder to do whatever the usual was for them. There were various weapons and shields on wracks. Some cheap, some average priced, and some were expensive. My eyes wondered back to the brown cat.

Stump was pulling money out of his pocket. They were small crystals, four pink ones and a blue one. They weren't that big, probably about the size of a quarter.
"Is that what you use for currency?"

"Indeed it is my non-cat friend!"
He purred setting the crystals onto the table carefully.
"Since we're the mining kingdom we are in control of the currency within the kingdoms. All of the crystals are in these caves that we live in." He explained enthusiastically.

I nodded showing him that I got all of that processed.

"Hey, what's your favorite color Sarah?"
He asked out of the blue.

"I like green."

"Heh, cool! I think that's Hazel's favorite. Mine's orange!"
He purred as Thunder re-entered the room and handed Stump his scythe.

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