I guess I need you baby

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Later on, I sat at the bar with Paige. "I don't even know why I came back, he's a fucking crazy person." I slurred my words. "Sweetheart, he's just a guy, you know what? Guys suck. They get jealous over everything" she replied obviously way less drunk than I was. "You know what we should do? We should just go. Just get in the car and go." I said with my head hitting the bar. "Hey Joe? I think this belongs to you. Be careful love she's umm she's gone bye bye" Paige said to Joe as he walked through the door. "Thanks, I've been looking for her for hours." He sighed picking me up off the bar stool. "I don't want to go with you!" I shouted pushing him away. "Babygirl come on you're drunk let's get you---" "no! Why are you so mean to me? Why don't you love me anymore?!" I shouted causing people to stop and look. "Let's go." He said grabbing my arm and fighting with me to get me in the car. "You make me hate myself"  I cried punching him from the passenger seat. "You need to stop--stop right now!" He said as he pulled into the hotel.
          I don't really remember what happened after that but I remember fighting him to let me shower alone. I remember slipping in the shower and cracking my skull. I blacked out after that but woke up to Joe screaming for help. If I had listened to him I wouldn't be stuck laying in bed with a bad concussion. He blames himself for letting me shower alone. "Babygirl, how are you feeling today?" He said rolling over to face me. "It hurtssss" I moaned making a sad face. "Aww my baby. You'll be better soon." He said getting out of bed to shower. Kissing my forehead he stared into my eyes for a second before kissing me again. "I thought you were gone when you didn't wake up to me screaming your name. If I lost you---I'd be...I don't even know what I would do." He said kissing me again before getting into the shower.
         Summer and Paige came by later on to make sure I was alright. Summer was taking my match I had tonight so I wished her luck. Joe took the night off to make sure I wasn't alone.

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