How long do you wanna be loved? Is forever enough, is forever enough

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A few months later, I was standing ringside watching Roman fight. I was 7 months pregnant, with another girl. Vince was bugging me to start thinking about going out on maternity but I wasn't ready. "Come on Roman!" I yelled through the ropes. He smirked down out at me and delivered a spine shattering spear to Seth Rollins. The crowd was mixed with boos and cheers as per usual. "And the winner Roman Reignsss!" I climbed the steel stairs to get inside the ring and hold up his hand in victory. I suddenly felt dizzy and dropped his hand slightly hoping he wouldn't notice. "Babygirl are you ok?" He said with concern looking down at me? "Britt are you ok?" Seth whispered from his spot in the ring noticing too I was a little off. "I'm fine guys." I whispered still looking around the arena. "Setg grab her other arm, help me walk her backstage." Roman said helping me out of the ring. "Britt that was close, you cannot keep doing this to yourself. I hate to do this, but I'm ordering you take your maternity now." Vince said walking over to me with stephanie and triple h behind him. "Ok ok fine." I said in defeat.
       Staying at home was never fun. It was the summer so I had convinced my ex husband to send me the girls for the summer. We were on ok terms, slowly getting better with our relationship for the girls. I needed my girls with me always, I missed them when I was gone. One night when the girls fell asleep I laid on the couch. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant now and Joe wasn't due home for another three weeks. Suddenly, I felt the familar pain of contractions start. I brushed it off thinking they were false. Getting up to go to the bathroom I felt water rush down my leg. "" I whispered trying not to panic. I grabbed my phone and called Joe. "It's time." I said as soon as he answered. "I'm on th next flight home I love you babygirl." He said hanging up. I called my dad next to take me to the hospital. I also called Joe's ex wife to come sit with rhe girls since Jojo was here as well. She got here in what felt like seconds. "Sit down, don't walk to much." She said leading me back towards the couch. When my dad got here he rushed me into the car and to the hospital. What felt like days later, but was really only 4 hours Joe finally got here. "Brittney, we need to do a csection" the doctor said suddenly. I didn't even have time to think about it. The next thing I knew I was bein g rushed towards the OR to get cut open. 45 minutes later Joe was holding our babygirl. "9 lbs 5 ounces, Lucille Rose Anoa'i" Joe said smiling down at her.

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