Just take my hand and don't ever drop it

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"You know what Charlotte don't be bitter like Seth over here because I have what rightfully belongs to me!" I said into the mic. "You know Brittney and I will hold onto these for a long time in fact how about at Summerslam a mixed tag team match winner takes both titles. But you know we're winning believe that" Roman said and we dropped our mics as his music hit.
     "I love working with you every night baby." He whispered in my ear when we were going backstage. I blushed and headed to my locker room. "So what's going on between you two huh?" Paige asked waiting inside my room. "Dude we're just friends. We're both married." I said laughing it off. "Yeah okay, I've seen marrages break up around here before because people fell in love with their co workers." Paige said shaking her head. "I just hope you know what you're getting yourself into. I've heard he is very possesive." She said walking out of the room. I went to leave when I got a call from CJ. "Hey baby! Did you watch me on tv?!" I asked answering the phone. "Yeah, so you're working with him now?" He asked with hate in his voice. CJ never cared for Joe, he felt that he acted like he was above everybody else. "It's just a story line babe. It'll be over after Summerslam." I sighed. "I love you, I can't wait until you come home. "He said. "I love you too baby I gotta go. Tell my babies I love them. Goodnight" I said hanging up the phone. I felt terrible sneaking around behind his back but at the same time Joe made me feel so good. "Yo babygirl let's go our room is waiting for us." Joe said opening the door. I grabbed my things and followed him to the limo. "You were talking to him weren't you?" He asked when we got inside the car. "Well...we are married Joe. So yeah I was talking to him." I said. "Listen, when we're on the road you're mine not his. I want all of your attention." He said grabbing my face. "You're crazy get off me" I said pushing his hand away. When i pushed his hand away he pushed himself ontop of me. "I mean it. You're mine. If it were up to me you'd of divorced him already. I make you feel like he can't. Remember that he said. "You're scaring me Joe." I said trying to get out from underneith him. "Good you should be." He said with an evil smirk. I was suddenly starting to rethink my actions.

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