And I know that he knows I'm unfaithful

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I finally had gotten to fly home to be with my family for a few days. When I saw my husband and kids at the airport I ran right to them. We talked the whole way home about my time in London. When we got back home I checked my phone. *18 missed calls from Joe 47 text messages* I decided it would be best to shut my phone off for the next few days. They days flew by quickly and soon I had to start packing to leave again for a month. "I really wish you didn't have to be in a story with him. It makes my blood boil everytime you walk down to the ring with him." CJ said as I packed my bags. "Oh stop it'll all be over soon babe I promise." I said grabbing my phone to turn it on. *54 missed calls from Joe 257 text messages from Joe*  "welp, it's time to go" I said sadly grabbing my bags. I kissed and hugged my kids goodbye and then turned to CJ. "I'll see you in a month, don't worry this storyline will be over soon. He means nothing to me, just business" I lied through my teeth.
            As the plane touched down in Chicago I startes thinking about Joe. A little frightened at what he was going to say about not returning any messages or calls. As I rented my car and made my way to the hotel I became even more nervous. As I walkes up to the hotel there he was waiting for me, looking very pissed off. "Let's go." He hissed grabbing my bags leading me towards our room. "Any reason why you haven't talked to me the whole time you were home?!" He yelled. "I---I didn't want it to look sketchy" I whimpered. Joe grabbed my face "next time you ignore me like that, you will be sorry." He said pushing me away onto the couch. "I don't understand how you could fucking ignore me for days. That's bullshit. You're going to pay." He said holding my hands above my head with one hand while undressing me with the other.
       A few hours later I found myself falling asleep in Joe's arms not knowing if I should be in love with him or scared of him.

Wildest DreamsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang