Thinking out loud

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I woke up an hour later we still had about 5 hours to go. I woke up with my head on Joe's chest. He had a huge smile on his face as he looked down at me. "Well good morning beautiful" he said with a laugh. " what the hell--" I started. "Hey I was asleep to" he laughed throwing up his hands in defense. "Oh what does she want..." He started looking down the isle. It was Stephanie, she was making her way towards us. "Hey guys, let me run something by you" she started. "We're short on rooms at our first stop, some boy band is in town at the same time so they took half our rooms. So would you guys be open to sharing a ro---" "of course we would" Joe cut her off. "Great! Sorry guys, thanks for the help" she said going back to her seat. "Are you kidding me?" I asked him with anger. "I sleep alone" I said putting my heahphones back in and turning away. 'How could he just do that to me. I can't share a room with him. I'm married, he's married' I thought to myself. "Take me into your loving arms, kiss me under the light of a thousand stars I'm thinking out loud baby we found love right where we are" Ed Sheeran was coming through my headphones. I missed my family and just wanted to go home.
We sat in silence for a while until Joe broke it. "Sorry Champ, I just thought it would be easier to get to know each other better. And I was afriad of getting stuck with somebody like Bo" he said looking across the way. "Ok understandable, but what if we get stuck with a room with just a kingsized bed? You're taking the couch." I said getting ready to land. "We'll see, who knows maybe we'll share." He said with a smirk. "We're both married Joe" I said with a stern voice.
We got to the hotel and got our room. "Are you fucking----one bed seriously?!" I started to storm out of the room to the front desk. "Chill out we'll make this work" Joe said grabbing my arm. He pulled me back into the room and closed the door. "Now let's talk." He said with a smile. "There's no denying cuddling on the plane was nice" he said circling me. "We can share the bed and cuddle. Clothes on, nothing sexual" he said. "Fine, we can try it for tonight" I said giving up.
I took a shower to calm myself down. I threw on my sweats and a tank top. Joe was laying on the bed watching tv. I laid down and rolled over "goodnight Joe" I said with a yawn. "Goodnight...roomie" I could tell he had a smile on his face. I laid in bed for a while unable to sleep. I didn't stir because Joe was still awake and I didn't want to talk. After a while he shut the tv off and got settled in bed. He turned on his side towards me and pulled me close. It felt nice and I found myself drifting to sleep. This was going to be a long month.

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