These are the days it never rains but it pours

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"What do you mean you've been suspended Joe? What's wrong with you?!" I yelled through the phone. It was a few days after Money in the Bank. I had dropped my title down to Paige and I planned on taking some time off. Joe had told me he was losing the title but he never told me why the sudden change in plan. "I just...I messed up babygirl I'm sorry." He sheepishly replied. "Well I'll see you when you get here, what time is your flight again?" I asked looking at the clock on the wall. I had flown to our new Florida home Sunday after the pay per view to try to get some things unpacked before Joe came home. "I'll be there by 7:30 tonight, I gotta go I love you" he said with a smile. "I love you too" I said hanging up the phone.
      At around 630 I put dinner in the oven. The next thing I knew the door bell rang and when I answered it Joe's exwife was at the door. We were on ok terms, mostly because I was so good to her daughter. We talked for a few minutes and she kisses Jojo goodbye. "Your daddy will be so happy to see you! Go put youe stuff in your room." I said closing the door. Not to much later Joe walked through the door. "Hey babe!" I said giving him a kiss. "I have a surprise for you, go sit on the couch." I said pushing him towards the living room. A few moments later I brought Jojo into the living room and Joe's face just lit up. While they talked and laughed I finished making dinner. I was never the domestic type, but I sure knew how to cook.
         After dinner and putting Jojo to bed we finally relaxed in our own bed. "It's only 30 days babygirl. We'll be fine." He said kissing my head. "I'm not worried about the money Joe." I said sitting up. "Then what's the problem?" He asked. "....I'm pregnant."

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