New Life

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Today is the day that I will be released and I am excited even though I don't know where to go from here. I mean I don't remember having any family or friends. The only thing I had was this ring to go on. I guess I'm alone but I'm alive so that's good I guess. I'm laying there wandering in my own thoughts when the doctor walks in. "Miss Rodriguez you are all good to go." "Thanks." I reply with a sweet smile as he walked out. Yes, while I've been here I found out that my last name is Rodriguez. Probably that's the only thing I have found out about my past. I'm sitting there wondering where the heck I'm going to go. Maybe I can find a job and a place to stay somewhere around the town. The king has been so generous and I feel like a burden to him so it's best if I hurry and get the hell out of here. Or maybe he can help me find a place to work at. Im fixing the bed and that's when I hear a knock, it was the king. "Your majesty." I say and bow. "Now Emma what did I say you don't have to bow." I smiled. "Oh but I must out of gratitude." He smiles and nods. "So you ready to leave this place?" I nod. He extends his arm and smiles. I blush. "Oh... are too kind." He smiles. We walk out of the healing center and make our way to the courtyard. "Your highness I cannot thank you enough, you have been to kind in letting me stay for all this time here in your lovely home." He smiles and nods. I start to walk out and he grabs my arm. "Emma I was wondering since you have no where to go why don't you stay here?" I gave him a weird look. "But I have to find a place to work." "I know, why don't we find you a job here at the castle and you can live here." I smiled. "I think it's best if I go I wouldn't want to inconvenience you any more." He half smiles. "Please." I couldn't help but stare at his gorgeous blue eyes. I shake myself and say to myself no Emma he's the king and he probably has a wife, a queen. Even though I haven't seen her but no he's the king and he will never look at you that way, you are but another subject in his kingdom. I smiled and thought to myself ehh what the heck. I smile and nod. "Ok just because you have been super nice and generous to me." His face brightens up and he smiles. "Awesome." It honestly surprised me how generous and kind he was. I was just wondering what I could do here. "So tell me Emma is there anything that you remember that you like to do or are good at?" I look around the courtyard and nothing seemed to come to mind. I shake my head. "Well I will give you a tour of the castle and if there's a place you seem interested in then..." "I will let you know." I say and smile. He smiles and nods. We were walking around the kingdom and for some reason the sea came to my mind. I grabbed his arm. "Umm Killian?" He looks over at me. "Yeah, what's wrong?" "I don't know why but when we passed where the Royal guard was at I seemed to have gotten a memory of some sort." His face went blank which was weird but I didn't think much of it. "What was it?" "The sea for some reason came up, is it that maybe I used to work by the docks or lived close to the sea?" He shook his head. "Maybe." I smiled and we continued walking around the castle. We finally made it to the library. "Ok this is the last spot, you have seen every inch of my castle. Is there any place that interests you?" I looked around and sighed. "I don't know I mean I don't think I'm good at anything." He smiles and shakes his head. "Well are you good at planning stuff and keeping logs?" "I think so." He smiled and grabbed my hand. "Come with me!" I was shocked but it was cute the way he was acting. We get to his study and he hands me an agenda. "Do you want to be my assistant?" I gasp. "Wait you want me to be your assistant?" He smiles and nods. "Yes you can help me with all of my tasks and all the stuff I have to do." "Oh umm I don't know, do you trust me with such task?" He simply smiles and mutters. "I do." I smile. "That means we will be spending a lot of time together well if you don't mind." I couldn't help but blush. "It would be my pleasure your majesty." He shakes his head. "What did I say it's Killian not your majesty." I smile. "Ok Killian." He smiles softly. "Flora shall escort you to your room, and show you around and teach you the ways of the palace. I smile. "How can I ever repay you." He gave me a flirtatious smile. "Oh Im sure I can think of something." I couldn't help but blush. Why was the king flirting with me or was it just me? "Flora!" He screamed. In walked Flora. "Yes your majesty?" "Please escort miss Rodriguez here to her room and show her how things work around here and please bring Jacob in." She bows and calls out to that man and he walks in. "Jacob from now on Emma Rodriguez is to be my right hand man well woman so everyone treats her as such, and help her with whatever she needs." He bows and walks away. "Ok now see you tonight so we can go over tomorrow's agenda miss Rodriguez." I nod and bow. "Thank you so much your majes...Killian." He smiles and nods. I walk away with Flora and we left Killian in his study. Flora escorts me to my room and once inside she explains to me how things run in the castle. After that she walks away. I look out the window and I see the ocean. I smiled and I was just mesmerized. There's something about my past memories that were connected to it, I just know it but in the mean time I will try my best to start a new life here in the castle.

Killian's POV
I smiled as Emma walked out the door. A couple of minutes passed by and mother enters my study. "So I heard Emma is your assistant?" I smile. "Yes I wanted her to stay here in the castle." "So you picked the position closest to you?" I laugh. "No I was just being generous." She smiles and I sigh. "What's wrong son?" "I just..." She grabs my hand and caresses it. "You knew this was going to be hard son but don't give up so soon if you truly love her then just be patient." I nod. "I know I'm just scared that she won't love me again." "Then make her fall in love with you all over again." I sigh and sit back on my chair. "I just don't know this new Emma I knew the old one." "Well you're not the same Killian, and you never know you might find something else in this new Emma that you have never seen before." I smile and contemplated on what she said. "You're right, thanks mom." She nods and walks out. I sat there pondering on how to get her to fall in love with me. I mean she's practically the opposite of how I met her. No I think this is the real Emma the one that she said died when Neal and her baby died. I mean I was already in love with her all I need is to learn how she is now. I learned captain Emma Swan's mannerisms really quick but that was because we were stuck on the bloody ship every minute of everyday. I will try my best to have time to get to know her but in the mean time I will help her adjust to the lifestyle we have here in the castle. I will try my best for her not to remember her old life; I'll just mention certain things but when she's ready. I just want her to stay here in the castle because if she goes to the town people could recognize her and I wouldn't want that to happen.

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