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It is dawn and all my crew was back on my ship ready to get the day started. I'm so excited to start this journey because I've spent way too much time without doing anything productive. As I'm looking down at the deck and seeing all my men I see a familiar face, Liam's. I look at the man standing next to him and I think to myself I don't remember inviting him on my ship and I see him wearing the same attire as Liam. I thought to myself he must be his friend. Well he will be punished because to bring someone aboard without the captain's approval is one rule that can never be broken. Since I really want to see how Liam works with my crew I will not punish him even though the deserved punishment is to walk the bloody plank. "Time to set sail men" I scream and everybody runs to their spots. Liam and that man are just standing there not knowing what to do. I was so going to enjoy watching Liam make a fool out of himself. "Mr. Fitz come and help me welcome our new recruits" I say as I walk down the quarter deck down to the main deck. I stopped in front of the men and Mr. Fitz joined me at my side. "Welcome aboard gents" he says and both men nod. "So Liam who is this man that's with you?" "This is Robin, my best friend." I chuckled and then smiled. "Oh how cute." Liam smiled. "Mr. Fitz please escort Robin down to the cell and let him stay there for the night." "Aye captain" he says and grabs Robin and takes him under. I start to walk away and I hear a scream something to me. "On what charge?" I take out my sword and pointed it towards Liam's neck. "Mr. Johnson it's best you learn now that you do not question the captain's orders, remember that you are nothing but another crew member like the rest of my men." His eyes shot open and nods. "Am I clear Liam?" He nods. "Am I clear" I scream. "Aye Captain." "Good" I say as I sheath my sword. He walks by me and I stop him. I get close to him and I caress his cheek. "Next time you bring someone aboard without my consent, your fate along with your friend's will be the bloody plank." He's just standing there stiff as can be. I then push him away. "Welcome aboard the Black Shadows Mr. Johnson. Men welcome this new member to our crew, show him what his duties are." All the men cheered and Liam gave me a weird look and I was just enjoying that look. His look of pure confusion was amazing. I walked back up to the quarter deck and took my place behind the wheel. Mr. Fitz walked back up to the quarter deck and smiled. "Take the wheel Mr. Fitz." He nods and takes hold of the wheel. "Captain" he says while looking down. "Yes Mr. Fitz?" He sighs. "Why did you lock up that man?" I laugh. "Fitz you should know me well by now to know that I always have a good reason as to why I do things." He smiles. "Aye captain." I laughed as I looked out to the sea. "Look alive Mr. Fitz, blue skies ahead." He smiles. "To Mist Haven?" I nod. "To Mist Haven."

Killian/Liam's POV
I was baffled that she treated me as such. I was surprised that one minute she was scary as hell and she was a sweetheart the next. After I helped tie the ropes that held the sails up, I was sent down to help organize the things that were in the cellar. In the mean time I went to the cell area to go see Robin. I get there and I see him sitting on the floor. "Robin bro I am so sorry for this." He walks over to me and shakes his head. "Hey well we knew what life we were entering so I guess this is only the beginning." I laugh and nod. "I guess so." I look at his clothes and gasped. "What are you wearing?" "They made me put on these rags but hey it helps me so I don't have to be reminded of our old lives." I nod. "I think the captain likes you" he says with a big old smile on his face. I chuckled. "Not going to lie bro after they took you under she scared the hell out of me, I didn't know a woman could do that me." He laughed super loud. "What would I give to have been able to see that." I scoffed. "I'm serious it was weird, she was nice one minute and the next it seemed like she wanted to kill me." He gasped. I nodded. "Well I have to go back before they throw my butt in here for coming to see you without the captain's permission." He laughed then nodded. "Be careful." I nodded and walked up to the top deck. Everyone was so quiet. I was curious. I looked at the captain and she had a straight face and wouldn't take her gaze from off the water. I look up and I see another ship was close by. I walk over to one of the guys. "What's going on" I whisper. "We must stay quiet, our enemy the Blue Robins have gained up on us and we must wait to see if whether or not they will attack us." I gasped. "Ready the canons" I hear Mr. Fitz say. "What does that mean?" The guy hands me a gun and smirks. "Prepare to fight." I gasp. "On my signal" I hear the captain scream. That's when the man from the other ship starts to talk. "Oh come on Emma is that any way to treat an old friend." She laughs. "We are everything but that Walsh." He laughs. "Permission to board the ship captain" he screams. Lyla grunts. "Cease fire gentleman." The man bows and they make their way on to the ship. The man walks on the deck of the ship and makes his way up to where Emma was standing at. I walk over there to see if I could listen in to what they are going to talk about. "So what are you doing sailing through these waters, you know this is my turf?" Emma laughed. "Please Walsh like if I have to tell you what I'm doing." He scoffs. "Still seeking revenge I see." Emma turns around and scowls. "Hush now, that is none of your business." He laughs. "Oh come on I know you Emma." "Then you know not to cross me" she snarls. I was honestly in shock. Such a beautiful woman but ugly at the same time. Not ugly in the physical but what made her ugly was that dark heart she has. I mean she is very attractive but when you see that hatred in her eyes it just consumes everything that makes her beautiful. "So what do you really want?" That's when I felt something odd. I felt like something is going to happen. I grabbed my gun and cocked it. I looked at the crew and they were feeling the same way as me. Oh no they are going to attack I thought in my mind. Walsh gets close to Emma and hugs her from behind. "Come on Emma, isn't this like old times?" He started to kiss her neck and I see his hand touching her leg and then sliding his hand up her leg reaching for her sword. I wanted to let her know but I didn't want to risk anything. She laughs. "You betrayed once do you seriously think I would fall for it a second time." She pushes him away and takes out her sword and points it at his throat. Walsh laughs. "You finally have that fire back, I like that." "Get lost Walsh, I hate losing my precious time on people like you." He laughs and bows. "As the lady demands." He walks up to her and looks at her from head to toe. "Watch your back Emma, one day you will be alone and defenseless and that's when I will feed your precious body to the Sharks" he says as he caresses her waist. She pushes him away and he walks and pulls her in and kisses her. I gasp. She pushes him away and slaps him. "I'm not that Emma" she screams. He laughs. "I know that's why when I beat you I will be the most feared pirate to ever sail the seas." She snarls. "Let's go men" he screams and all the men start to walk back to their ship. I see Emma and she's wiping her mouth. Walsh walks down and walks back to his ship and in a matter minutes they sailed off into the horizon. I look up at Emma and she's just standing there and even though she tried to put off a mean face I know she's scared deep down. "Keep on course men" she screams. Everyone starts to fix the sails so we could keep the course to our destination. I walk up to the quarter deck to see how she is. "You ok Captain?" She turns around confused and gives me a weird look. "Yeah wait what are you doing, your place is down there." I nod and half smile. "So I will be punished for worrying about the well being of my captain?" She smiles and within a second her smile fades. "That's none of your concern, your concern is whether or not the deck is clean." She pushes me down the steps and I bowed. "As the captain desires" I say and she looks away. I look back at her and she turned away as soon as I gazed her eyes. I want to know what happened to her maybe throughout these two weeks I can get close to her but then again I have to try and get her attention so this means I must make myself known without getting sentenced to the bloody plank. "Instead of standing there daydreaming why don't you go and scrub the deck" says a guy and pushes me to the floor. I grunt as I hit the floor. He laughs. "Who do you think you are the Prince of Garrington?" And all the men start to laugh. I start to scrub the deck and laugh. They had no idea I am the real prince of Garrington. I looked up at Emma and she had a smirk as she was looking down at me. Oh I was going to get to the bottom of this and I was going to know what's really hurting her.

Leave it to FateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon