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I groan as I wake up. Every inch of my body was aching. I get up and I look over at Liam and he's still in the same spot. I don't think he's moved a single muscle from where I left him last night. I get up and I change into my regular attire minus the coat and I make my way outside. I walk outside and I look around and the deck was spotless. I was in shock that my men had actually cleaned the ship since most of them were probably injured and in extreme pain. I go down and I see them all sleeping in their bunks and I tried my best to not make a single sound so they could rest. Last night was rough for all of us but I'm just happy to know that I didn't lose anyone, well I hope to not lose anyone. I go up to the quarter deck and I see Mr. Fitz on the wheel. "Morning captain." I smiled. "Good morning." "Couldn't rest I see." Mr. Fitz says as he shakes his head. I laughed and nodded. "Ah you know me too well." He laughed. "How's Liam?" My smile fades and I sigh. "The same, he's not responding he's just laying there practically lifeless on the bed." Mr. Fitz sighs and nods. "Well remember when Neal got stabbed that one time it took him a couple of days to wake up." I nodded. "Yeah I just hope he wakes up before we arrive to Garrington." I look around and there was nothing but blue skies and beautiful white fluffy clouds. "Nice skies right captain?" I smile and nod. "Captain?" I turn around and look at Mr. Fitz. "Yes?" "Graham won't stop hunting us huh?" I stood there and sighed. "Sadly no but I don't care, I will fight until he gets the idea that I will never be with him." He sighs. "I can't think of not being my crew, Mr. Fitz." He smiles. "And besides if I get captured then that will be the end of me." He nods. "Yes it was either be Graham's lover or death and I will always choose death but how about I just don't let myself get caught then I won't have to worry about that." He nods and smiles. Graham was one of my friends well back when I wasn't a pirate. He was actually captain of the second ship of the mission but after the tragedy and my treason to the crown that they made him head of the navy. That's when I find out that his mission was to hunt me down and bring me in. One day when he caught me he had given me a choice, I either picked to be his lover or pick a rope to the neck and a sudden stop. I didn't like either option so I managed to escape. He was an awesome guy but all this transformed him into an evil man. All he cared about was becoming more and more powerful. But then again many of us changed after that tragedy. I also changed and became evil but I've never wanted power all I wanted was revenge. I guess we aren't that different but I don't like when someone wants to control others and just because I'm a woman they think they can easily manipulate me. I sigh and look at Mr. Fitz. "I hope to end this real soon Mr. Fitz." He nods.

4 days later
I wake up and I'm in so much pain. I touch my abdomen and it hurts like hell. I'm all bandaged up. I look around and I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. I'm in Emma's cabin. The last thing I remember was that I was down on the floor after the man stabbed and talking to Emma. I look at the floor and I see Emma asleep on the wooden floor. I gasped. I've been on her bed and she's been sleeping on the floor. The ship moved and Emma quickly sat up. I sat up and smiled. "About time you wake up Emma." She turns around and quickly gets up and hugs me. I groan as I feel her arms around me. I couldn't help it and I hugged her back. She backs away and punches me in the arm. "Ah what the hell was that for?" "Never pull a stunt like that again you nearly got yourself killed out there mate." I smiled. "Ah so you do care about me?" She scoffed. "No I just worry about my crew members that get stabbed and pass out." I laugh and she smiles. "I'm happy you're awake." I smile back. "I'm happy I get to see that gorgeous face again." She smiled and blushed. "Well I'm glad because now I get to have my bed back." I laughed and shook my head. "Oh you sure know how to kill the moment Emma." She laughed and sighed. "What's wrong?" She half smiles. "Just promise me that you will never do that again. Even if I'm in danger, you will let me die ok?" I gave her a weird look and then nodded. "As the captain orders." She smiles. "Well I'm glad you're awake because by night fall we will be in the kingdom of Garrington." My eyes shot open. I had totally forgotten about that. Crap what's was I going to do? "And since you came from that kingdom you and Robin can show us around the kingdom." I nod. She gets up and starts walking towards the door. "I'll let Robin know you're awake." I nod and she walks out. I was a dead man; I think I should have just died when that man had stabbed me. I cover my face with my hands and I just go crazy, maybe Robin and I could come up with something. I mean I can't go and rob my own home right, or can I? I shook myself and couldn't believe that I was already thinking like a bloody pirate. No I don't have pirate in my blood but I sure as hell in love with one. Robin comes through the door and locks in behind him and runs over to me. "Bro you're awake?" I nod and groan as he gave me a big hug. We continued to talk and just caught up on stuff. "Hey Killian damn it I mean Liam I need to tell you something." "What is it?" "So I found out some things things about your dad." I grunted because my wound was hurting. "My dad?" He nodded. "Well it seems that your dad before he married your mother was a famous pirate that sailed the 7 seas." I gasped. "Yea his name was Jack Harrison well before he changed it to Jack Garrington." I gasp. That made sense in why my father was so obsessed with the sea and taught me how to fight with a sword and played pirates with me it was because he was a real pirate. I guess I do have pirate blood in me after all. "Wow I can't believe my father was a pirate no wonder I was so curious about this style of life. My father was part of it." He nodded. "I wonder if your mother knew." I nod and sigh. "Yeah anyways changing the subject dude what are we going to do when we get back to Garrington?" He gasps and shrugs. "Dude we are so toast if they find out who we really are." He laughs. "Well I'm good I can just escape but you, you're screwed when Emma finds out the truth of who you really are." "Really?" I say in an annoyed tone. "Hey I'm not the one who's sleeping with the captain." I punch him and he grunts. "Ow even when you're hurt your punches hurt." "I'm glad because you're being a dirt bag come on dude help me." "Fine." I smile. "Why don't when we get to the town we just cover our faces and if Emma asks us why we are doing that and we tell her that we are wanted by the kingdom's royal guard and I'm pretty sure she wont expose us too much." I nod. "I like the sound of that." "So speaking of Emma so like what are you guys?" I give him a weird look and scoff. "Really Robin I don't know, I don't have time to think about us maybe after we leave here and I don't get caught maybe there will be an us." He sighs. "If you're going to want anything with Emma you're going to have to tell her the truth you know that?" I sigh and nod. "I just..." "Just like they say here, you mate are screwed." I couldn't help but laugh. "Well get your rest we are due to hit the kingdom's port in a couple of hours." I nod as he walks out the door. Of course I couldn't rest. Not when I was about to go back to my old life. I mean I've only been gone for what maybe a month and I'm already back. Why did it feel like it's been longer? Probably because I'm on this ship every day of every hour?. I don't know but I was not ready for what later on will bring.

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