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I'm going crazy. Killian and Robin are not back and its nearly dawn. I couldn't sleep a wink and I just sat here in the dinning room waiting for them to appear. I know my son couldn't have gone too far off. I started to pace back and forth and I tried to calm myself down. I look up into the sky and scream. "Love where is our son at?" I sat back down and I hear some steps. I get up in an instant and its Maurice. "Still no sign of him Helena?" I sit back down and sigh. He walks over to me and smiles. "Don't worry he'll be back he probably stayed with Robin." "Yes but he's not a teenager anymore, he's going to be a king, he can't go off like that and he's 25." "So..." "What do you mean so." "Oh come on don't you remember the times when you would go off and do crazy stuff?" I stayed quiet. "You hated the royal life, remember that one time we escaped to sail?" I laughed and nodded. "Yes but times have changed." He laughs. "No it's just that we are all grown up and he's trying to live his life before he gets married." I sighed. "Do smile I can't see my best friend all sad like that." He comes over and hugs me. I smiled. "I know it's just..." "Just relax, everything's going to be fine." Hours pass by and nothing. I'm getting impatient. It's nearly the afternoon and there's no word on either Robin or Killian. I send Claude out to the town to see if he can find out about their whereabouts. It's almost dinner time and nothing. I go up to his room to see if I can find anything that will give me clues about his whereabouts. I look around his desk and nothing. That's when I find something sitting on the bed. "Mom" it read. I opened it and it was a note. As I was reading it I felt my heart break. I quickly sat on the bed and felt my life shatter. "Dear mom, I'm sorry if I may have distressed you in anyway but I just wanted to let you know that I left and I am not coming back. I love you mom but I can't be king. I will never be the king you and dad wanted me to be. Dad and I both knew that your other half is Maurice. Sure you loved my dad but there was a special bond you had with him so why not marry him so you won't be alone. And as for Belle tell her I'm sorry but I cannot marry a woman I don't love mom. I tried doing this for my kingdom but I can't. So please don't bother in sending people out to look for me because no matter what you say or do I'm not coming back. I hope you're not disappointed in me and I hope to God that you will one day forgive me for doing this. I don't regret this decision. I love you. With love, your son Killian." I folded the note and that's when Maurice busted through the door. "I have news." I look up as tears were rolling down my face. "What's wrong why are you crying?" "He ran away." He nodded. "Yes Claude found out that him and Robin had sailed off with some pirates." I'm sitting there and I couldn't help but feel horrible. I lost my husband and now I lost my son. "Don't worry we will send knights to go bring him back." He starts to walk away and I grabbed his arm to stop him. "No don't, he doesn't want to be found, this was his decision and I will honor it." He nods and hugs me. I look out the window and I see the horizon. "I will never be disappointed in you son but I pray that you're safe wherever you may be and that you find happiness there."

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