Past Confrontations

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I walked into the town and I was excited. I had only come here twice and it was on our trip to Seneca and I was in the carriage so I couldn't enjoy the view of the actual town. We went straight into the market and for some reason I kept getting weird glances from people. I looked at Lily and since she was acting normal I just thought it was me so I brushed off the feeling. We went and grabbed all of the fruits and vegetables and we walked over by the docks to buy fish Lily needed for the kitchen. I was carrying the basket with all the fruits and they looked delicious. As I glanced at the fish stands the owner gives me a dirty look. "So are you going to buy that or steal it captain?" I gave him a weird look and walked away. Thats the second time someone has called me that. They are probably confusing me with someone else. I turn around and Lily and Claude were gone. I ran and I bump into someone. "My apologies." The man says and starts to put the fruits back into my basket. I rub my head and half smile. "It's ok." We get up and he hands me the basket. I grab it and as soon as he sees me he gasps. "Emma is it really you?" I give him a weird smile and he grabs my hand. "Oh my gosh yes you have the ring its you." I gave him a weird look. "I'm sorry I don't know you and I must get going." I ran as fast as I could and I caught up with Lily and Claude. Lily looked at me and smile. "Everything ok?" I nod. We continued to walk and I kept getting ugly glances from most of the towns people. Lily and Claude went inside the butcher place to get some meat and I decided to stay outside and wait for them. I walked by the water and was just mesmerized by it. I then saw my reflection but I was dressed differently. I blink and the image was gone. That's when someone comes up to me and grabs me and pins me against the wall. The man puts a dagger to my neck and I started to freak out. "You think I wasn't going to find you Emma." I gave him a weird look. "I'm sorry sir I don't know you please let me go." "No witty or insulting comebacks Emma really?" I stayed quiet. "You're going to play the you don't know me card that's low even for you." I was honestly scared and didn't know what the hell he was talking about. I started to panic and I screamed. "Lily, Claude please help!"  "You even cry for help where's the Emma I know?" Out comes Lily and Claude from the place and Claude pulls him away from me, hits him and the man falls to the ground. Lily grabs me and caresses my head. "Oh my gosh are you alright?" I'm hyperventilating like crazy. I nod. "So that's where you've been Emma at the Kings castle, I see you went under him and he gave you the kingdom, suits you I always knew you were a filthy wench." I was shocked at how badly this man was insulting me. "How dare you speak to me like that, you're insulting a lady." He laughed. "You, a lady?" He walked closer and Claude pushed him away with his sword. "Please Emma you've been everything but a lady, you're a bloody cold hearted pirate." Claude punches him and he walks back to my side. "Hope you have a good life traitor!" He screams as he walks away. I'm just in shock from what he said. What the hell was he talking about me being a pirate? He had to have been talking about someone else. I don't remember anything. Claude looked at me and sighed. "I think it's best we go back to the castle." Lily nods and grabs my basket. I'm leaning against Claude as we walk back to the castle. We walk back to the kitchen and Claude sits me down on a chair. "You ok Emma?" I nod. "Lily take care of her and if you need anything let me know please." I smile and lily nods. He bows and walks away. Lily walks up to me and sighs. "Emma are you sure you're ok?" I nod. "Yeah I'm just a bit shaken up." She sighs. "I'm sorry this was my fault I guess now we know why Killian doesn't like you going down there, it's dangerous." I nod. "Girl don't worry about it we all made it back safe and sound." She nods. "You need anything?" I shake my head. "No I just need to go to my room and rest." She half smiles and nods. Of course I was not going to my room to rest I just needed time to think. I went out to the back and sat by the stone wall. I was trying to put all the flashbacks I've been having together to see if I can decipher what my past was like. I sat there and I started to remember the ring, Killian kissing me, fighting those men on a ship, my other flashbacks were of a baby, an explosion and now this man telling me I'm a pirate. I gasped. Was I a filthy pirate? I looked at myself in the pond and my reflection again showed up in the water. Wearing those clothes. I gasped as I threw a stone in the water. No I couldn't be a pirate. Killian wouldn't have kept that from me. Is that why he found me all bloody because I had fought some pirate? I had to find out. I went inside the castle and I found Helena reading in the drawing room so I took advantage and went into Killian's room. I know I shouldn't raid the King's bedroom but I had to find some clues. I went through his desk and I couldn't find anything. Then I see a letter. "The Black Shadows." The name rang a bell. I put the letter back and closed the drawer. I went inside his closet to look for anything maybe a secret door or a cabinet. I went and sure enough I found a cabinet but it was locked. I went back to his desk and I found two pins and started to pick at the lock. I don't know why this came natural to me but I was taking advantage of it. After a couple of minutes picking the lock it opens. Yes. I opened it and when I look inside the first thing I find is a black sword. I gasped. I look inside and I see clothes. They were leather clothes. They seemed awfully familiar. This was for a man and then I searched inside and I found another set of clothes. When I picked them out they were all covered in blood and they looked like they could fit me. I gasped they were pirates attire. This was probably Killian's and these were mine. So when he found me I was wearing this. I folded the clothes and put them all back into the cabinet and I locked it and closed it. I was just hyperventilating. This can't be true. I can't be a pirate. I am a good and noble lady. I look at my ring and sighed. It bugged me how confused I was. I went back to the desk and opened the card that said "Black Shadows." I sat down and started to read it. "My friend I am so sorry to hear that Emma still hasn't woken up but I'm sure she will wake up at any moment and she will remember you and how much she loves you. Things are weird now that she's gone. Mr. Fitz misses her dearly and has named me Captain. I heard that you are the king now congrats. I wish you the best and when Emma wakes up let her know that her crew will always miss her, our dear Emma Swan. If she never wakes up then still let her know that she was the best. Best wishes, Robin." I gasped. They had to have been talking about me but her last name is different than mine unless Killian changed it. I mean if I really look into this it makes sense that I'm a pirate because all those people from the town feared me. My head was about to explode and I hear a noise and I see the lock and someone was turning the knob. I ran and hid under the bed. I see some familiar heels and they were Helena's. I was panicking and I covered my mouth. She walked over to the desk. "Hmm that's weird why is this card out?" I hear the drawer open and after she closed it. She sat on the bed and sighed. "Oh son I hope you tell Emma the truth soon, I know you love her and hope to marry her but she needs to know." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She gets up and leaves the room. Once I checked that the coast was clear I got out from under the bed. I was dying what was that truth that she was talking about. Was it the truth about my past? But then again I couldn't help but feel happy that she said that he wanted to marry me. But how can we get married if he's hiding stuff from me? As soon as he gets back I was going to find out.

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