The Tragedy

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We've sailed for a week and we still have a week's journey to go to get to Garrington. Tonight was one of those nights where I didn't feel like doing anything and I wanted to spend some time alone. I take out the box where I had my most precious treasures and I just started to cry. I took out the blue blanket and I was just heart broken. I missed them so much. I hear a knock and thought it was Mr. Fitz so I casually let the person in. "Come in." I hear the door close and I look up and its Liam. I dry my tears and I close the box. "What are you doing here?" I say in an angry tone. He half smiles. "I was worried about you." I scoffed. "I'm fine now go away I want to be left alone." He stands his ground and of course there was no way on earth that I would be able to make him go away. "Why do you care so much about me?" I scream. "I will always worry about you Emma." I sigh. "Don't you think it's time I find out what happened long ago? I mean I am going to Garrington to fight in your name." I half smile and nod. "It's just I don't know if you'll look at me the same after I tell you everything." He caresses my cheek and smiles. "No matter what's happened or what you've done, nothing will change the way in how I see you and what I feel for you." I nod and sigh. We sit down on the floor and I take out the box. I take a deep breath in and sighed. "Ok well I wasn't always a pirate captain you know. I was a Lieutenant and I was under the command of captain Neal Cassidy, my husband." Liam just sat there quietly. "Ever since I was a young lass him and I were very good friends and when we got older we got married and joined the Royal Navy." He nodded. "We sailed under the command of King Midas of India and let me tell you it was a dream come true. Ever since I was but a wee thing I would go on voyages with my father and I just loved the sea so being with the two things I loved only made my life better." He nodded and smiled. "Well as you see of course being in the navy comes with risks. Neal and I knew that but of course we wanted to start a family. We decided that together we would protect our littles one and we went ahead and had a beautiful baby boy." Liam smiles as I take out the blanket. "Wait what happened to them?" He asked with a concerned look on his face. "Well one day we were on a mission to go to a kingdom to attack and we had all our fleet with us but we had sailed earlier than the rest because we were the ones leading the mission. No one knew the name of the kingdom except for Neal. He didn't want anyone else to know for safety reasons. Before we get there we get a surprise attack from two ships. They start to board the ship and its either fight or die." I sighed as I closed my eyes as if I was reliving the moment. "I had my little Eli in my hands and hid myself here in this very spot trying to protect him." He nods and grabs my hand. I smile and gripped it tight. "I was going crazy hearing so many shots and blades hitting outside." I sighed. "In one of those times Neal walks in super bloody and says we have to abandon ship and that he needed to get the baby and I to safety. I remember wrapping him in the blue blanket and making my way to one of the row boats. The men were trying to buy us time so all three of us could leave and that's when Neal gets on the boat and I hand him Eli and in one of the times where I turn around someone grabs me and takes me away from the boat and I pull the blanket off from Eli. I tried to fight the man that grabbed me but he was stronger than me. I was looking around and all the other men were too far away fighting the others that none could come and help me. Emma, screamed Neal as he was holding Eli. Then the man that grabbed me turns me around and says to me why don't we see your family die. I tried to break free and that's when I see someone point cannons away from the other ship. I see the look of fear in Neal's eyes as the boat lowered into the water because someone had cut it. I ran as fast as I could but as soon as I made it to the edge I hear the cannons fire and I see the boat go up in flames. I tried to jump out to see if I could save them but that's when the ship sails over the boat and it gets destroyed into millions of pieces." Tears kept rolling down my face non stop. Liam grabbed my hand again and I just held it tight. "That was the worst, I had just seen my husband and child die a horrible death in front of my very eyes." He sighed. "Something in me died that day and something else was born. I was so enraged and in pain that I was going crazy stabbing everyone." He gasps. "Yeah, after everything ended I Remember being covered in blood and the the ships retreated and since our fleet never came I decided to take charge. I was Lieutenant after all so I threw the Indian flag into the water and I made us pirates that day and changed the name of the ship and swore to seek revenge on the people who killed my husband and son." Liam sat there quietly. "I'm sorry if this was all too much that's why I'm so difficult to understand. That Emma you think you know died that day along with her family and this ugly dark hearted woman stayed in her place." He shakes his head. "I know that Emma is in there somewhere but the reason why that ugly Emma is there like you said is because you were in pain and still are." I sighed and continued to cry. "I miss them so much; they didn't deserve to die." I say as I hug Liam. He embraces me in his arms and for some reason I felt safe in his arms. We let go and he caresses my face. "Nothing can replace the loss of a loved one." I nod. Tears were flowing down my face. "So now you understand why no one wants to be with me." "Others might not but I do." I smiled and gave him a weird look. "You do?" He then leaned in and kissed me. I couldn't help it and I kissed him back. His kisses were so sweet yet passionate. He then picked me up and we continued to kiss on the bed. He laid me down and laid on top of me and he started to kiss me on my neck and boy was I enjoying that. I felt like all the hurt was starting to vanish as we were kissing. Boy did I feel loved. He took off his shirt and he smiled and grabbed my hands as I was touching his bare chest. We then continued to kiss. I didn't know if I was ready to do this again I thought to myself. He took off my shirt and I was left in my brassiere. He continued to kiss me. I could feel his hands caressing my legs and boy did that feel awesome. He was just caressing my whole body and I felt so loved. I didn't feel like this man wanted me for my body but because he seriously loved me. I felt his hands all around and then he reached for the zipper of my pants and I grabbed his hand and stopped him. I let go of his lips and whispered. "I don't think I'm ready for that just yet." "I'm sorry" he said as he sat up. I know I probably killed the moment we were both sharing but thinking about being with another man in that way honestly scared me. Yes, even though I did become the biggest flirt ever and did my share of kissing; I haven't been with another man since Neal. I know right the most feared captain in all the seas is scared to love and make love. He got up from off me and put his shirt back on. "I am so sorry Emma if over stepped in any way." I smiled and reached for his hands. "Come sit." I said as I put my shirt on. "Look you did not over step in any way, I wanted it and besides you respected my decision when I told you that I wasn't ready for that." He smiled and I grabbed his hand. "If it would have been any other pirate they wouldn't have stopped and you respected me enough that you stopped." He nodded and I pulled him into a kiss, he just cupped my cheeks and after we let go, our foreheads touched. "I'll let you know when I'm ready." He nodded and kissed me one more time. I smiled and whispered in his ear. "Good night pirate." He smiled and whispered back. "Good night my beautiful captain." He walked out and closed the door behind him. I was honestly happy that he likes me as much as I do but the real question is do I love him? I guess only time will tell but I'm glad I sent him away because he's clouding my judgment. I can't have any distractions when I'm so close in getting my revenge. I take all the stuff from the box and l put them away and I blew out the candle and decided it was time for me to go to sleep.

Liam/Killian's POV
I walked out of her cabin and I was in shock. I couldn't believe what I had just done. I almost slept with Emma. I covered my face. I haven't been with any woman like that before, shoot I had never slept with anyone period. I let this stupid drive get the best of me. I was going to wait till marriage to do that and I almost blew it tonight. I mean we just had a little make out session that's all. I covered my face again. It's just that Emma was driving me crazy and honestly the way she lost her family is the worst so I just wanted to let her know that I care. Seeing them get literally burned alive and then having their bodies dismembered like that is just the worst, I can't imagine how Emma must have felt. No wonder she's in so much pain that would drive people to do crazy things. I mean no wonder she's acting how she's acting. And to think my own mother ordered to attack them. I was just baffled and that's another reason as to why I shouldn't be with Emma because once she finds out who I really am she will hate me. I don't think I will be able to handle her hating me. I think it's best to just tone down whatever there is between us. I mean I know for a fact that I love her and I think she found that out tonight. I fixed my shirt and went down to go eat. "Where were you at?" Asks Robin as I sit down with my plate in hand. "No where." I say hesitantly. He fixed my collar and laughs. "Sure no where, you were with Emma weren't you?" I shush him and whispered. "Yes I was." He gasped. "You know that's prohibited bro." I rolled my eyes. "I'm not saying in that way, wait..." He gave me a weird look. "What?" I say as I take a bite of my bread roll. "Did you go all the way with her?" I closed my eyes and shook my head. "No but we almost did." "No way you stopped her huh?" He said and laughed. I stayed quiet and then he chuckled. "No way she stopped you?" I stayed quiet and he was laughing. I kick him. "Shut up dude." "Dude you've never been with anyone like that, what got into you?" I shook my head and sighed. "I don't know it's just that she was talking to me and then I kissed her and yeah we had our little thing." "Look at my naughty prince here making out with a pirate captain." I laughed and shook my head. "Oh shut up." I thought in my mind how weird that sounded. The pirate and the prince. Oh no. I was smiling like crazy and Robin gave me a concerned look. "I don't mean to burst your bubble your majesty but I think you've fallen in love with your mother's number one enemy." I put down my fork and sighed. "I know." He pats my back and sighs. "Oh my dear friend you are one screwed man." I nod. "Who would have known that this man was hiding under that good boy prince attire." I laugh and push him. "Well you aren't the same from when we left Garrington, you are quite the flirt Robin." He laughs. "What can I say I'm a ladies' man." I laughed and sighed. "What's wrong bro?" "When we get back to Garrington how am I going to do it to keep my identity secret?" Robin sighs and shrugs. "I don't know, we are basically going to attack your home." I sigh. I covered my face and Robin laughs. "Well you are definitely having pirate like drama." "Shut up" I say and I go and put my dishes away. We start to head down to our bunks to get a restful night of sleep. We go down to sleep and I closed my eyes. As I was laying there all I could think about was Emma and how much I wanted to be with her.

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