Chapter 14

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Alriightttt! An early upload! I know it's not that long, but whatever. Since it's officially winter break now, I don't know if I'll continue to upload regularly. I'll either work on this story a lot more, work on other stories, or take a break on writing and start when school starts again. Sorry >.<

Ahahahaha  I got so many candycanes and other candy from my friends, and I got actual presents too! Hee <3

Happy Holidays and enjoy!


Ace burst out laughing. He clutched his stomach to stop from toppling over. “Oh god, did you see that? We said that at like, the same time!” he laughed.

Bailey began pushing us out the door, like we were kids getting ready for school. “Yes, yes, very funny. Now let’s go already!”


The club was hot and I was instantly hit by the smell of sweat and beer. Appealing to some, not including me. Evernight, the name of the club, didn’t seem as shady as ones I’ve been to, I was thankful of that.

There was a small room for performers to get ready before going on stage. The person before us, some singer entered. She saw us sitting casually on the couches scattered around.

“You’re up next. Go on when the mc dude calls you,” she instructed. With a lingering wink at Ken, she twitched away. Ken’s eyes widened.

“Why do they keep doing that?” He exclaimed. Ace laughed. When the “mc dude” walked on the stage, he began talking a bit before he’d introduce us.

I closed my eyes, and took deep breaths. Nico said it was weird whenever I did this, but I had to. I needed to lose myself, forget everything- otherwise I wouldn’t perform my best.

Alright, the people out there screaming, grinding each other, they’re not there anymore. It’s just me, and the rest of Hourglass. We’re fifteen, doing a little performance for our friends, family, neighbors. Or at least, that’s what I tell myself. These people won’t be staring at me, they aren’t here to say how hot I am, they aren’t going to be annoying bastards clawing into my life. They’re just going to listen to the music I make.

That, I can handle.

The best thing about a club performance, is that they aren’t here to watch you play, the music you make is just background music to them.

When we ran out onto the stage, noise was booming everywhere. It pierced my ears. “Aight, this song right here, it’s just for you!” Griffin yelled into the mic. The crowd screamed in response.

There were the people talking in corners, dancing in the center, clawing at the stage, and some just sitting at the bar. Typical crowd. When we started playing, I lost myself in the music. As a band, the music we played wasn’t exactly what I’d call soothing or emotional, but I was still really into it.

Nico was right about me wanting to share my music. I loved music, including the songs I wrote with everyone. I also wanted to share it- just not with people like that girl screaming, “I love you Ace! I love you! I love you!” and over and over again she went. She was like a siren!

When we were done playing, I could tell the crowd wanted more. Ken glanced at me, asking if we should or not. I shook my head. He shrugged and then we went off, the screams of loving fans the melody of our exit.

Beads of sweat glistened on the manager’s head. He took charge of Evernight, including paying the entertainers. It was a quick show, which meant we wouldn’t get much money, but they still had to pay us something.

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