Chapter 11

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Yeah… by that I meant trust. Don’t get your lame ass hopes up.


“Whoa!” I heard Ace’s voice exclaim, startling me awake. For a second I blinked dumbly, trying to remember what the hell was I doing on the couch with freaking papers all over me. Ace sat in the seat across from me, staring intently at me and… oh my freaking god. What the hell was Choi doing there? Ace began to crack up, his voice seeming to echo around even though it shouldn’t have been possible.

 “You had fun last night, Tye?” I rolled my eyes in response. Choi stirred, her face pinched in an expression of annoyance.

Waking up, Choi yawned loudly. She stretched and leaned back, seeming perfectly at ease.

Thankfully, before anything more awkward could happen, Bailey walked in. If he was surprised at seeing Choi there, he didn’t show it. He asked Choi to get her things ready, because her ride home had arrived. She quickly collected her things and left, as though she’d never even been here.

Ace grinned at me. God, why was he the only one awake? He placed his left hand on the right side of his chest. “You feeling something here? Your heart beating fast?” He joked. I punched him in the arm.

“Wrong side dumbass.” I scowled at Ace, but all he did was continue laughing.

Nico trudged in, dragging his feet on the floor and rubbing his eyes. “Shut up Ace, you’re too loud,” he grumbled. “Tye, get me some food,” he added, snapping at me. I tossed him whatever I could reach and Nico ate it as though he were starved.

Ace ruffled Nico’s already messy blond hair. “You’re such a grouch in the morning,” he grinned. Nico shrugged, seeming much more calm after some food.

“Are Ken and Griffin still asleep?” Nico asked suddenly.

“I would be if you weren’t so loud in the morning,” Ken said, leaning on the wall. He stifled a yawn and slowly walked over, collapsing on the couch beside me. He looked around briefly. “Arina’s gone already?” he asked. I nodded with a sigh.  Ken raised his eyebrows. “You miss her or something?” a smirk creeped over his face.

“No way man,” I said quickly. Ken kept this knowing look on his face. As if he knew shit.

Griffin bounced energetically into the room, beaming. His toothbrush was dangling dangerously at the edge of his mouth. Toothpaste foamed all over his face, but he didn’t seem to mind. “Arina’s gone!” he exclaimed, smiling insanely. I frowned.

“You’re point being?”

“We can go home now!” Griffin reminded me. I smile split across my face. Damn, I’d completely forgotten. Griffin had hurriedly finished brushing his teeth and was already at the door. “Call me when we have to meet again for Hourglass. See ya!” he called over his shoulder.

Thankfully we wouldn’t have an interviews, albums or concerts coming up, so we’d be all peacefully at home for a while. I knew for a fact Griffin was especially happy about this. He lived all alone with his grandmother, who, according to Griffin, was getting pretty sick.

I didn’t need to pack anything or say anything before I left, it’s just the way we dealt with leaving for home, it was our own business. Ace and Nico had just left before me, I noticed because of the lack of food and noise. Ken was the only other guy left, sitting alone on the couch, his eyes glazed over from staring at the T.V.

“Yo Ken! Aren’t you gonna go soon?” I asked standing at the door. Ken shook his head.

“I’m just going to be staying here for a while. I might leave in a few days.” He replied. I shrugged, even though he couldn’t see me.

In the Crowd (Tye)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن