Chapter 9

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Yay-yays! Upload! One day late much? But I wanted to upload something, so sorry it's a bit short. My sis was kinda harsh to me the other day.

"No one reads your story anyway,"

"Huynh's a stupid name,"

I think she was pissed at me. Well right then, I wanted to give up. I know barely anyone reads this but hey! Think I care?? No. This is for my own enjoyment.

For anyone who comes across this... Enjoy!


We sat in a circle of staring. Choi looking at me in some creepy way, Ken staring at me expecting a reaction, Nico glancing at Ken, waiting for something, me glaring at Ken for whatever he did, and Griffin and Ace staring back and forth between everyone else.

I waited for someone to say something first. I was tempted to snap at Ken, asking him what he did but that would have to wait.

No one said a word.

I jumped in my chair at the sound of a door opening, breaking the silence. Bailey’s head appeared from the other side of the door. Surprise took over his face.

“Oh… Ms. Choi, I thought you had left?” he asked slowly, still obviously confused. Choi smiled apologetically.

“I’m sorry, I have to stay over because of some car problem. They said it was alright…?” she trailed off, gesturing to us in question. Bailey nodded curtly, agreeing to Choi’s stay. Damn, I was hoping that he’d make her leave.

 “So where exactly is she staying?” Griffin asked us when Choi was out of earshot.

Bailey raised his eyebrows. “Didn’t you work something out?”

“You guys said she could stay in the non-existent guest room,” I mumbled crossly. Everyone shot Ken a glare. He returned with a small smile.

“Well, you know, this could get pretty big… so I thought it’d be fine if she stayed for a day,” he said slowly. I rolled my eyes.

“It’d get big alright,” Ace groaned, smacking his forehead and slouching down. “In a bad way.”

Ken raised his hands up in defense. “I get it okay?!” he protested. “We could just get her a hotel room or something,” Ken offered.

Nico shrugged, “That works, it’s not like we don’t have any money for it.” He agreed. Bailey looked pretty flustered, but he probably didn’t have any other ideas.

I could just imagine how awkward it’d be. Knowing how Choi was, she’d probably feel like a bother. Squeezing my eyes shut, I let out a sigh. “She can stay here, in my room I guess.” I found myself saying. Ken eyes widened in shock and Ace waggled his eyebrows. “And I’ll sleep on the couch right here.” I added quickly.

“Well, that's fine,” Bailey said looking slightly less uncomfortable.


Choi sat stiffly on my bed facing me. “So… I’m going to sleep in here,” she stated slowly. “And you’ll be on the couch out there,” I shrugged.

“Better than you sleeping on the couch, it’s freaking uncomfortable,”

“And you’re okay with that?”

“Yup, done it a few times already.” I shrugged again. She still looked uncertain but having no other choice at the moment, dealt with it. “Just don’t touch my stuff,” I added. She nodded quickly. Ken poked his head in from the door. Though it was clear he had nothing to do with the car breaking down, he still seemed to feel pretty guilty.

In the Crowd (Tye)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora