Chapter 3

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Okay, I know I just uploaded but I've added enough for the third chapter! Thsi sis why my readers suffer... I need to slowly upload to get a steady rate of uploading... But when I have a chapter I just have to upload!

So, if this story moves on a bit quickly, as I've said. me+ details doesn't work out.

Meeting Arina! Yippee! It was fun writing her fan book. It's so lame XD


That girl, Arina Choi, was weird. A little different from what I expected but still the typical annoying fan girl. And she probably thought she was our number one fan as well.

When she came in, she held a thick packet of papers which she was hugging to her chest. She wore a simple t-shirt and jeans which wasn’t exactly what I had expected. From what Ace said, about the story being about me and her, I assumed she would pummel me with a huge hug at first sight. I expected wrong.

“Hello, I’m Arina Choi. You’re Huynh, right?” Her formality surprised me as she held out her hand for me to shake it. She still blushed furiously. Ace gave a low whistle and winked at me. I rolled my eyes at him. He’s so immature. “May I shake your hand?” Choi asked me.

I shrugged. “Sure,” I said, taking her hand and giving it a firm shake. Her cheeks flushed into a deeper red.

“Thank you,” she mumbled. Oh god, this girl’s weird.

“Yeah. Sure. Whatever,” I replied. I turned to walk away and continue with my regular daily things but Bailey cleared his throat harshly. He glared at me and mouthed Go talk to her. I sighed again, but turned back. Ken was chatting away with the girl so I sat down on the dining table of our apartment.

“So, what do you like best about Hourglass?” Ken asked Choi, giving her his signature smile. I noticed he had taken off his glasses which was what he usually only did on stage. Meeting this girl was probably pretty big to everyone.

“Um… well,” She tucked a lock of her black hair behind her ear. “I like Huynh’s voice.”

I was going to throw up. No joke. At least she said my voice instead of something about my personality. Ken flashed another smile at her. “Then we should have Huynh sing a lot more- yes?” He put an emphasis into my stage name but I had no idea what he was implying. Ken looked up to where I was sitting. “Hey Huynh, why don’t you let Miss Choi interview you a bit, make her story accurate?” he was smiling in a teasing way, knowing completely well that I already hated the girl.

Hopping off the table I forced myself to smile at Choi but I glared at Ken when she wasn’t looking. I sat down in a sofa and she sat beside me. “So… what do you want to know about me?” I asked her. She simply shrugged.

“I already basically finished my novel so if I’m wrong, it’s too late.” She replied. Oh boy. I was started to prefer the giggly fans way more.

“Can I read a bit of it?” I read off a paper Nico held up behind Choi’s head. She brightened up right away and held out the manuscript to me. I took it carefully, feeling pressure from everyone in the room as I started to read. Why did she have to write about frickin me? Aw hell. I flipped toward the middle of the story before reading.

“Hey Tye?” I say quietly, not looking at his face right away. I keep my eyes on the table cloth of the fancy diner he’s taken me to. Again, preparing myself to say this, I still can’t believe we’ve been dating for so long, and that he’s mine. The famous leader in Hourglass- my boyfriend.

In the Crowd (Tye)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ