Chapter Twenty-Eight

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(Lee's POV)
   Thankfully, we ran far enough from the walker horde we saw at the barn. It was like the whole population of Savannah was chasing us. With little strength and very low hope, we walked on.
   I swear, if there were Walkers around us right now, they would probably think we were one of them, from the way we dragged our heavy feet through the grass. Everyone was covered in dirt and grime, the hopeful light in their eyes was fading fast.
   Ahead, we saw a small little town. Our hearts fell even more cause that means alot of Walkers could be hiding in there. Although, running water and a place to rest would suffice. Even if it was for just a night.
   "Hang on." I said quickly as we came to a stop. Gathering everyone's attention, I pointed to the town, "Maybe we can stay in one of those houses." Rocky and Kenny looked at me like I lost it, "Are you crazy!?" She exclaimed as Kenny shook his head in disbelief, "Dammit Lee. There could be a whole 'nother fuckin' horde in that town and you want us to just take shelter in a house?"
   I raised my hand as Clem stepped in, "Its the best plan we have, guys. The town is small enough, all we have to do is find a house with everything we need."
   "A house with everything we need?" Rocky repeated, throwing her head back in mocking laughter, "Will it provide shelter, food, weapons, warm beds, showers, and fresh clothes?"
   Everyone fell into a dead silence. No one expected Rocky and Clem to have an argument. Clem tightened her jaw, "It'll keep us ALIVE is what it will do. All four of us are veterans from the first apocalypse," She poked Rocky's chest hard.
   "You, are not. You weren't the one trying to survive out here when it first occured. WE know what we are doing." Clem snapped back. The two girls had a staredown while Alvie, Kenny and I glanced at each other.
   Finally, Rocky turned her heels and walked off. Alvie tried calming her down, but she waved him off. He continued as they walked several yards away, Rocky sitting on a huge rock.
   I looked at Clem, "What has gotten into you two?" She looked at me, "Nothing. Just... Really pissed off now." A scream pierced the silence. A girl's scream. A gunshot rang through the air as well.
   All three of us ran to Rocky and Alvie, where a dead Walker now layed. Blood was on the rock. Rocky and Alvie were on the ground, several feet away from the body.
   Alvie was cradling Rocky as we noticed her leg was bitten, and then her neck... She was bitten, and bleeding out. Her eyes darted everywhere as Alvie held her.
   Jesus fucking christ. Alvie was applying pressure to the wound, repeating words of comfort. Kenny, Clem and I looked at each other and we knew what had to be done.
   Kenny looked away, his eyes watering. I knew he wouldn't be able to do this. Clem put her hand on Alvie's shoulder as Rocky muttered something to Alvie, blood coming from her mouth.
   Alvie started crying as he gently moved, setting her down. Clem took him away as I saw the gun next to her body. Rocky looked at me with dull eyes, "Lee... Don't let me become... One of them."
   Why is it always me? Flashbacks of Duck and that Walker came back as I picked up the gun. We locked eyes as she coughed up blood, "I'm glad... I got to meet you... And everyone else... Thank you..."
   I lifted the loaded gun and closed my eyes, "I'm glad I was able to meet you too, Rocky."


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