Chapter Nineteen

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(Clementine's POV)

   Lily's men threw us into a room that reminded me of the room where Lily's father was killed. If I was correct, this was an unused meat locker. Rocky looked around, her eyes filled with fear and confusion.
   I had to nearly smack myself. Rocky didn't know what was going on. She wasn't even born yet. I opened my mouth to tell Rocky everything, but Lee gave me the look I was all too familiar with. Don't tell her yet.
   It was as if Lee knew what I was going to say. I glared back and challenged Lee silently. He shook his head and I grunted. Fine. Kenny pounded on the metal door that clicked shut.
   Once Rocky heard that click, she started shaking, "Are we trapped in her?!" She asked, her voice inching to hyperventilating. Don't tell me she's caustiphobic.
   All this was a replay. And I think that's what Lily was hoping to do. Remind us of what we did, make us regret. And all this shit happened when I was only in first-grade! Sheesh, I'm old as crap. Rocky slid down and pulled her legs toward her chest, rocking back and forth.
   After what felt like years, the doors opened and someone hit Kenny with the butt of a rifle, making him back up. The man looked at us and then back at whoever he was looking at, "You sure about this?" He asked.
   I couldn't hear who he was talking to and someone was thrown in here with us. The newcomer nearly hit his head against the wall, but quickly caught himself, "Asshole!" He yelled out as the door clicked shut and Kenny went back to hitting the door.
   Rocky stayed in her corner as Lee helped the newcomer up. He looked like he was in his early twenties and he actually looked like Lee a bit, but more like Alvin. My eyes widdened as I realized it. No. Fucking. Way.
   I made the young man face me, "Alvie!?" I exclaimed and he backed up. "H-How do you know my name?" Kenny's fists came to a stop at the sound of Alvie's name. I hugged the man, "Alvie! You're alive!" Instead of a warm greeting back, I got the cold shoulder, "Who are you? And how did you know my name?"
   "Rebecca. Alvin. Your parents." Kenny answered, his voice hinted the sadness. Alvie tensed and looked at me, "That hat..." He looked at it and studied my face, "You look familiar." He said. "I'm Clementine, Alvie."
   His eyes widdened, "You were the first-grader who raised me for a couple years! My foster parents told me!" Tears of joy streamed down my face as he hugged me and Kenny. Lee chuckled and smiled.
   Rocky looked down, then put her head between her knees. I remembered now why she acted sad. She didn't know anyone from her youth here. They were either dead, or captured.


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