Chapter Twenty-Six

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(Rocky's POV)

What the hell? I woke up to the cry of a Screech Owl. I rubbed my eyes as I glanced at my wound. Scarred tissue covered the raw flesh that once glistened with blood. The pain subsided to a dull sting.
I peered down below and saw a Walker. I bit my lip, hoping the others wouldn't wake to see it and alarm it. Silently, I untied myself and pulled my crossbow out.
Aiming it quietly, I lined up the shot and fired, it's head spraying blood. Once it collasped to the ground, I tied myself back up, putting my crossbow away. I decided to leave the arrow in it this time, so when everyone else wakes up, they'll see the weapon in it's head.
I couldn't fall back asleep, not for a while, at least. I looked at the scar again, and did the most sensible thing I could do. I poked it. Just like one of those idiots who poke their bruises to see if it hurts or not.
Shockingly, it didn't. Nothing. It just felt like I was poking myself. Looking up, I realized it was probably past midnight. I crossed my arms and leaned my head against the tree once more, hoping to catch some more zzzz.

(Kenny's POV)

Swish. I woke up to something slicing through the silent night and hitting flesh. Peering down with blurry eyes, I saw a Walker with an arrow sticking out of it's head.
Rocky's crossbow. She must be up. I looked at Rocky's branch, seeing her tying herself back up and falling asleep. I was going to talk to her for a while, but she must be exhausted.
Being infected, scared for the worst, etc. My mind raced arou d one thought, How come she is not showing symptoms of the infection? Lee started turning pale and fainting after a while. I wonder if... Can't be.
Making sure I was secure to the tree, I stared at the starry night sky. It's been several weeks since I took the time to look up at the lighten-sky. I sighed, relaxed, remembering when I stayed with Hershel for a while.
Being in the barn, I remember being able to look up and point out different constellations to Duck. My heart took a sharp stab. Duck. God, I miss him. I chuckled as I remembered how he would get excited the next night when he remembered a constellation I told him about the night before, pointing it out in an instant.
I missed the way it use to be. Sure, it was hell getting through it all, but we made it through. Well, at least some of us. I looked up once more. Sighing, I bowed my head down, closing my eyes, "Katjaa... Saria... Why did you have to go?"

A/N: Awwww, the feels! *wipes away tear* So this summer I should be getting some data and I will be updating more often on this story! If you guys have ANY ideas you wish to share, go ahead and comment it in this story or send me a private message.
I don't honestly care how, I just want to know so I can tweak it more to make you guys love it more! Thanks for sticking with it and loving it. Peace!

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