Yoongi looks around to notice black open gates and the park behind it. He opens his mouth in awe and back at namjoon. " Can we enter? I have never been inside a park to play before."

" Sure we can-Wait what? You! have never been inside a park?!!!" Namjoon shrieks, too surprised but yoongi already enters while speed walking like a little kid inside a store with toys and candy. " Ya wait for me!" Namjoon shouts and runs after him.

Yoongi notices him and runs away from namjoon, forcing his poor friend who is tired from running to chase after him.

" yoongi please don't do this to me! My doctor says I can't run!!!!" Namjoon uses his last energy to try to get yoongi to Stop by words before he ended up collapsing to the ground.

Yoongi notices and halts immediately to then run to namjoon laughing. " Hyung! are you okay? You are so out breath you need to work put." Yoongi says playfully and swings his arms in the air until he reaches the collapsed body on the floor. Namjoon's eyes are closed and he doesn't say anything nor move at all.

" hyung?" Yoongi ask now scared for his hyung. He remembers the last words which was that his doctor told him not to run and he begins to get worried. " Namjoon hyung please wake up!" Yoongi says more desperately and shakes him but Namjoon remains unconscious.

Yoongi's heart beats in fear and his palms begin to get sweaty and then...

He feels himself being pulled on top of Namjoon.

"Hahahahahahha got you! You little brat." Namjoon laughs loudly with yoongi's head on top of his chest.

" Aigo hyung! I never cared about Your safety anyways." Yoongi pouts which makes Namjoon burst out laughing more. Yoongi unconsciously joins in, in the laughter until they conclude. Because of their cease in laughter they end up staring at each other in the eyes with poker face expressions. They are both stuck admiring each other's traits while they continue to lie on the ground.

Yoongi soon looks down and stares at Namjoon's plump lips and gulps before backing away and clearing his throat.

" U-um we should go on and heal your wounds." Namjoon clears his throat and yoongi nods his head in agreement. They help each other up and commence walking and talking until they find a bench and sit down.

"Here~ we go." Namjoon hums as he massages a transparent cream on Yoongi's cheek. " There. That should do it. It won't disappear right away but at least it's a really good medicine."

" Namjoon hyung."

" Yes?"

" Thank you so much." Yoongi smiles making Namjoon  go speechless. He was secretly telling namjoon thank you for treating me so kindly.

The rest of the moment yoongi and namjoon begin to have conversations. Yoongi  mostly listened as Namjoon shares his stories and the only things he shared were his favorite things because he did not want to talk about the horrible life he carries.

An ice cream truck passes by with a child like melody playing and yoongi's face brims. " namjoon hyung!"

" Let's go buy you one." Yoongi did not even have to ask because namjoon already saw how excited he got when he saw the Ice cream truck. The boys stand up casually walking up to the Ice cream truck, they wait until the kids order there treats.

" What would you like?" Namjoon asks yoongi.

" A mint with chocolate chips cone please?" Yoongi confidently smiles lifting his index finger to indicate the number one.

" Hahahaha like your mint hair?" Namjoon sweetly laughs while petting yoongi's hair and then looks up at the man inside the truck.

" Hi! Can I have a Mint with chocolate chips and chocolate cone please?"

" Right on it." The man answers quickly making the cones. " Here ya go."

Namjoon hands yoongi his ice cream cone and yoongi begins licking it as soon as he receives it. He smiles between his licks excitedly as the cold ice melts in his hot and pink tongue.

" $5.62 please." The man says and namjoon hands it in, taking a large lick at his own ice cream.

" Thanks a lot." They both say, walking away.

" Let's go home now." Namjoon says unconsciously taking one if yoongi's hands to take care of him like if he were his brother.

And like this they walk to the dorm hand in hand again.


Please excuse yoongi being younger! okay?! plz

See you guys on Monday with another update!

Today ya'll got lucky because I was supposed to update on Monday, but since I already wrote this chapter, I will update ta-dai


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