Then again, knowing how much people feared what was different, maybe that wasn't something to wish for. The warehouse where I followed the remainders of Hydra was old and abandoned. Typical bad guy hideout. Hydra used to have a lot more style, like secret bases in the mountains of Germany or penthouse suites that housed their leaders. But considering the fact that the former Director took down most of Hydra's assets after capturing Gideon Malik, it wasn't hard to figure out why the rest of the members were scrambling to go into hiding and taking whatever they could get.

Like the advanced weapons that Hydra had been developing.

I opened the cargo box to view the contents and found what looked to be guns. Except they weren't any I'd seen before. Fitz and Simmons would probably get to the bottom of it, with some of Mack's help. I shut the box, feeling the exhaustion start to creep in. I could seriously use some sleep.

Luckily, the device in my ear crackled to life again. "Jez, I'm right above the warehouse."

I looked up at the ceiling that was already falling apart, before pressing my watch and speaking into it. "Copy that, May."

I placed a small device next to the unconscious men and the cargo box, and the red circle in the center began to beep. When I heard the wood above me crack, I ducked my head and used my arms to shield myself from the debris. The containment module stood before me when I glanced at the place where the men and the weapons had been. They were all safely inside the white box. Taking a deep breath, I opened the doors and also got inside.

It didn't take long for us to be loaded onto the Bus. I felt the familiar feeling of my stomach being left behind as the module shot into the sky and onto the waiting jet. After boarding, I found Hunter waiting for me in the cargo hold. He gave me a grin before letting me out of the module, and I threw my arms around the familiar British man.

He laughed as he hugged me back. "Careful love," he said as he pulled away and gave me a once over. "You look like you need medical attention. Those are some nasty looking cuts." The smile on Hunter's face morphed into a grimace as he took stock of my injuries, and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm fine," I reassured him as I stepped back and gestured to the Hydra members in the module. "I'm tougher than I look. I just need a bath and some rest, and I'll be good as new."

"You need stitches," came another voice from the direction of the lab. We turned to see Bobbie walking in, an iPad in her hands. "Multiple ones from the looks of it. Some ice, and some painkillers."

I just rushed to the blonde haired woman and gave her a hug, like I did to her ex-husband. She returned it fondly. It's been years since I saw her. When I heard that they would be working with us, it felt just like old times. "It's good to see you," I said in reply, even though I knew Bobbie was right. I did need painkillers.

Bobbie laughed as I pulled away. "It's good to be back in the field. We also just came back from a mission with May, and the Director told us to fly by and grab you."

"Yeah." A frown made its way onto my face as I recalled what Daisy said during the fight. The Director wants you back at HQ. "Daisy informed me, even before I could call in and say that my mission was a success."

"What happened?" Bobbie asked with wide, worried eyes.

I gave her a smug smile and gestured to the module behind her. She finally took notice of it, and her shocked expression also morphed into one of pride. "Seven Hydra agents, huh?" she asked, turning back to me. "No wonder you look like hell."

She was obviously teasing me. Once upon a time, Bobbie took her turn at training me in the Academy. And I knew she was proud of my accomplishment. "They were hoarding some Hydra tech. Probably stuff they salvaged from the raids we did after Gideon Malik. Coulson got word that they were selling the stuff on the Black Market, and SHIELD intervened. How about you guys? What have you been up to?"

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