6. Gut her like a Fish

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After practice, Trevor and I stared at some of the boys talking to Kaitlyn

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After practice, Trevor and I stared at some of the boys talking to Kaitlyn.

"What the hell are they doing?" Trevor queried angrily.

I shrugged. "Probably asking for a blowjob." We quietly snickered to ourselves.

"How disgusting." Trevor acted out as if he was about to throw up.

"What you guys doing?" Steven's voice appears behind us.

"Being nosy." Trevor simpered as he glanced at Steven. "What about you?"

"About to walk home." Steven kept talking as he walked towards us.

"I'm over it." I rolled my eyes as I ran my hand through my hair. "She's just too much. And the boys are falling for it because they're dumbasses."

"We need a way to get her out. She's so annoyin-" Trevor was immediately interrupted with the devil's voice.

"Hey Steven." Kaitlyn appeared out of nowhere. "Why walk home if I can give you a ride?" She bit her lip at him as she placed her hands on his chest.

I'm gonna throw up.

"Listen." His eyes pierced through her as he threw her hands off, making her scoff. "Why don't you get some self respect and stop being like this." He snapped.

My jaw inexplicably dropped down to the floor as I heard what Steven just said.

Trevor and I glanced at each other in shock.

"Excuse me?" Kaitlyn slowly backed her head away from him.

"You heard me." Steven spoke seriously, his fists visibly clenched. "You need to stop, what you're doing is depressing and desperate."

Kaitlyn rolled her eyes at him in annoyance. "And what are you gonna do about it?" Kaitlyn raised an eyebrow at him, clearly just to piss Steven off more.

The rest of the boys appeared one by one, probably out of curiosity.

Just until Steven could've replied, I decided to but in.

I walked in front of Steven. "He won't do anything about it, but I will." I looked down at her as I got in front of her face, my voice sounding surprisingly menacing.

"And what are you gonna do?" Kaitlyn half-laughed, slowly flipping her hair to the side. "Amphitrite Whore?"

Suddenly, Coach Alex's voice came out of nowhere as I pulled out my phone with a smile. "What's going on here?"

The second the room got silent, my finger immediately pressed the play button on the video I specifically wanted to play.

Kaitlyn's voice started to speak on the phone. "I just wanna say, that I'm not here to fucking entertain you alright, I hate my dad, and I just use him for his money!" Everyone's facial expression immediately froze as the recording continued to loudly play.

Kaitlyn looked like she was about to cry as the recording kept talking. "I'm only here because I wanna stuff as many dicks as I can in my mouth! And I won't let you stop me, just because you see me as competition." The recording ended.

I quietly laughed at her angered face as I prepared to speak. "Who's the Amphitrite Whore now? Bitch." I tilted my head at her.

The room fell silent as everyone's eyes landed on Kaitlyn.

Her face slowly melted into so many facial expressions that it just made my smile grow bigger.

Suddenly, Coach Alex's voice spoke again. "Kaitlyn. I'm gonna need you to get the fuck out of here." He was serious, making all of our mouths drop down to the floor, including Kaitlyn's.

That's the first time I've ever heard Coach Alex swear.

Kaitlyn immediately let out a loud screech in anger as she prepared to walk out the gymnasium. "All of you are gonna pay for this!" She yelled, tears immediately smearing her makeup.

Trevor laughed loudly. "Better stop crying girl, your clown makeup is smearing." He waved at her, making her let out another scream.

Silence broke through our surroundings out of genuine shock. "I'm really sorry you guys had to go through that." Coach Alex sighed. "I didn't know."

Just before anyone could've replied back, a familiar voice appeared out of nowhere, making all of our heads snap towards the direction it came from.

Oh god no....

Coach Alex's face brightened. "Levi, you're finally here!"

End my life.


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