Chapter 9

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-Savannah's POV-

It was the night of a big storm.

Not just a big storm.

What was supposed to be the biggest storm Brooklyn had seen in years.

And I was scared.

Immediately, I went to Alec.

There was something about him.

I felt like I wanted to hate him, but I just couldn't.

"Alec, can I talk to you?" I asked.

"Of course," he said and we sat on the couch, "is everything okay?"

I looked down. "N-no..." I couldn't bring myself to say anything else.

"What's wrong?" Concern filled his voice and eyes.

"Tonight, is the big storm." I paused. "What if I hurt someone?"

"You won't."

"But what if I do?"

"Then we'll all know that it won't be your fault. It's not like you meant to do it."

I smiled a little.

But I was still feeling like I wanted to hate him for some reason that I just could not seem to figure out.

"But I'm still scared. I don't know if I would ever be able to forgive myself if I hurt Max or Rafe, whether I was in control or not." I felt like I was starting to ramble so I decided to just stop talking.

"It'll be okay. They'll understand that it wasn't your fault." He paused. "Especially Rafe. If I didn't know I'd think you're his sister. He really looks up to you."

I smiled and laughed a little. "Really?" Alec just nodded.

"Alec!" I heard Jace yell as he came jogging into the living room. "May I talk to you for a minute?"

He got up and followed Jace to another room.

I just sat on the couch in silence.

Until all of a sudden I hear the crack of thunder.

"Oh no, no, no, no!" I looked at my hands and my claws were out.

"Hey, Savannah!" I heard a little voice say.

I hid my hands behind my back. "Uh, I-I can't talk right now, sorry Rafe!" I ran into another room trying to find Parrish but when I saw Alec and Jace, something clicked.

Something in my mind made me feel like I really should have hated Alec.

When he turned around a look of hatred flashed through his eyes and they started glowing white.

I was about to attack Alec but I felt something grab my waist.

Jordan was trying to pull me back but he ended up just making the Raiju even angrier and I started pulling him.

"If someone could help me, that would be pretty nice!" Jordan struggled to hold on to me.

"I got this," Jace said, "I'm basically a pro at it by now." He held onto my waist trying to hold me back and pushed Jordan away.

"Excuse me, Jace, she is my sister."

"Yeah, well, I've been having to drag her around everywhere for days before you got here, and trust me, it truly was a struggle."

"Actually," Jordan started sounding confident, "I can do this on my own. Move."

"What did you just say to me, deputy?" Jace let go of me and I attacked Alec but Magnus used his magic to put me to sleep for a while.

-Alec's POV-

Jace carried Savannah to her room and after he came out I felt no control.

I went to the weapon room and grabbed my bow and an arrow, then walked into her room.

-Jace's POV-

A few minutes after I came out of Savannah's room, I saw Alec go in there with his bow and an arrow.

An arrow.

There was something that it reminded me of but I couldn't remember what it was.

Then something clicked in my mind.

"EMMA!" I yelled running through the institute to Savannah's room.

"What? What happened?" She started panicking a little, most likely not sure what was going on, but thinking it was bad.

"Our question was just answered." I said as we ran to the room.

"What question?" She asked and stopped running.

"Alec is the Raijin."

I ran as fast as I could to Savannah's room and right as Alec was about to release the arrow I shoved him, which caused the arrow to go flying.

Luckily, Jordan was there to wake up in time to save a still-sleeping Savannah by catching the arrow right before it hit her.

She was still asleep.

Jordan turned his head quickly to look at Alec and I.

"It's not Alec." I tried to explain, not the best explanation, but I was trying.

"What do you mean, 'it's not Alec'?" He asked, throwing the arrow to the ground and slowly, yet angrily, walking towards me. "It sure looks like Alec to me!"

"It's not Alec. The thing that she is, Raiju. Companion of the Raijin." I paused and started backing up each time he got closer. "Alec is the Raijin. He isn't in control right now. It's. Not. Alec."

I could tell that Jordan still wanted to hurt Alec for trying to hurt his sister, although he wasn't under his own control.

Jordan sighed. "Just keep them away from each other until we know the storm is over."

I nodded in agreement, as I looked at Alec asleep on the ground. "Let's just hope they stay asleep that long."

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