Chapter 7

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-Savannah's POV-

I had to admit, as much as I disliked Magnus, Alec wasn't too bad, and those children were adorable.

As I was about to fall asleep I heard my door open and Rafe walked in.

"Hey kid," I said in a bit of a tired voice. When he got closer I noticed that he was crying. "What's wrong?"

"I-I had another n-nightmare." I picked him up and let him sit on my lap and hugged him.

I softened my voice. "Don't worry, I'm here." I paused letting him cry on my shoulder and he soon stopped and calmed down. "Do you want to talk to your dads about it?"

"N-no. But I know I have to... Can I sleep in here tonight?" He asked as he crawled under the covers on the other side.

I laughed a little. "Of course."

He smiled and faced me and kept talking to me until eventually he fell asleep cuddled up to my arm.

I smiled.

But then I realized it wasn't good. I was getting too attached to Rafe.


"SAVANNAH." I woke up quickly and ran out of the room, with Rafe behind me, when I heard Alec yelling my name.

"W-what did I do this time?" I asked, kind of scared.

"What...? Never mind. Some guy named Jordan says he's looking for you."

I closed my eyes and sighed from irritation. "My brother. I bet that's who it is."

I went outside to see Max wearing a scared expression and trying to stay away from Jordan as he stood on the porch.

"It's okay Max," I said in a soothing voice, hiding my annoyance, as I knelt down in front of him. "This is just my older brother. Go inside and I'll be in in a minute."

He nodded and ran inside, still looking a little scared.

As I stood up Jordan started yelling at me.

"I told you I would be back soon." He paused and tried to lower his voice so nobody could hear him. "Why did you leave?"

"Jordan," I sighed, "it's not like I planned to leave. I just heard something saying my name and it led me to that door and I just fell through. You didn't let me explain over the phone."

"Okay. Well what is this place? Why did it take us here?"

I knocked on the door and Alec opened it letting us in.

Alec grabbed Jordan's hand.

He tried to pull away but couldn't get out of Alec's grasp.

"Whoa, dude, I have a gun and I'm sure I'm not your type."

I couldn't help but laugh as I held onto his hand and Alec went over one of the runes on his arm and we could see the inside of the institute.

"What is this place?" Jordan asked and started walking around.

"The institute." Alec replied. "Don't get yourself killed." He sounded like he couldn't have cared less.

I was about to go after Jordan but Alec stopped me.

"So, Rafe went into your room last night?" He asked me.

"Oh, yeah... He said he had another nightmare and came into my room crying. He asked if he could stay with me and I said he could. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier."

Alec chuckled. "It's okay. I think he likes you already."

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