Chapter 5

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-Savannah's POV-

Magnus really was angering me.

He knew what I was, but wouldn't tell me until I helped him with anything he told me.

What on earth would a warlock need from a... Whatever I was.

The next morning I woke up and Jace was sitting at the end of my bed and I realized handcuffs were around my wrists.

"Are we really going to go through this again?" I asked in an annoyed tone of voice.

"Yes," he replied, "yes we are. But only until you can learn to behave yourself." He paused. "I'll make you a deal..." I didn't even give him the chance to say anything before I cut him off.

"No, I've already made a deal with Magnus. I help you with whatever you need and in return he tells me what I am and I get to go home."

"And as for these things." I had figured out a way to pick the lock on the handcuffs with my claws so I held them up for Jace to see. "We won't be needing them."

I could tell that Jace was getting annoyed with my sass and stubbornness so that just encouraged me to be even more sassy and stubborn than ever.


The whole day Jace wouldn't allow me to be any more than ten feet away from him because he didn't trust me.

"Jace, please, just let me go." I gave him my best innocent eyes and made my voice sound innocent as well. "You're treating me like I'm some puppy that doesn't know how to control itself."

Jace just glared at me. "That's because you are acting like a puppy that doesn't know how to control itself!" I growled a little, thinking he didn't hear. "You're even growling like one. It's kinda cute that you think you scare me."

We were walking through the institute for some unexplained reason and my feet were starting to hurt.

"First this, putting a collar on me, next you're calling me a puppy with no control." I paused and tried keeping my annoyance in. "What's next? A leash?"

He chuckled. "One, it's not a collar. It's a tracking device that tells us where you are at all times. And a leash, not a bad idea, thanks."


Jace finally allowed me to go in my room, but I was almost a hundred percent sure that he was right outside the door.

I heard a muffled not-so-feminine voice talking to him and it kind of sounded like Alec.

The door opened and I quickly closed my eyes trying to pretend that I was asleep.

"I know you're awake." Alec said and sat on the edge of my bed as I sat up. "And I need your help. It's about Magnus."

-Parrish's POV-

I was more than grateful that Sheriff knew all about the supernatural and was understanding enough to allow me to go back home to stay with my sister.

When I went down to the basement I noticed that the chains were broke and Savannah was no where in sight.

"Savannah!" I ran up the stairs and tried calling her.

-Savannah's POV-

Alec was talking about what was going on with Magnus and how although he started to become more focused on the kids the night before, he went back to being too focused on whatever I was.

I started to zone out a little until I felt something vibrating in my back pocket.

He must've heard it and noticed me struggling to pull my phone out of my pocket because he stopped talking and said, "would you like some help?"

I looked up. "Uh. Sure. Help would be pretty great."

He pulled my phone out of my pocket and handed it to me.

Still struggling, I answered the call I was getting from Jordan and held the device to my ear.

Savannah: h-hey, Jordan. How's work?
Jordan: all good, you know, the usual. Oh wait. But, today was a little different. Why you ask? Maybe because Sheriff let me go home early.
Savannah: Jordan... Just... Listen to me.
Jordan: Where the hell are you? I've been worried sick about you ever since I had to leave for the night shift.
Savannah: I'm fine. I just... *mumbles* I'm in Brooklyn.
Savannah: I don't know! There's some kind of portal upstairs behind a door and... Hello. Hello?
{Jordan hung up}

"So, Jordan is...?" Alec asked, waiting for me to answer.

"Jordan is my brother." I paused. "The deputy I've told you about."

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