Chapter 4

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The institute was in a state of panic, with Savannah arriving. Magnus was busy 24/7, looking through every book known to man trying to find out what Savannah was.

Because of Magnus being busy, he had no time for Alec. This made Alec angry, and when Alec gets angry, everything goes bad.

I was just trying to go to sleep, when Jace stormed into my room and told me he needed my help.

I groaned as I got out of bed. "What happened?"

"New girl tried to get out. Clary and Izzy are getting her back into the institute, but we need someone to watch her."

"You need four people to watch her?"

"Well, Clary and I are going on a date, so you and Izzy are going to watch her. Please?"

I said yes, made myself look halfway decent, and followed Jace into Savannah's room.

He briefly introduced us, and then ran out of the door.

I haven't really taken in her appearance. She had green eyes, and brown hair. She was wearing a flannel, jeans, and a worn out pair of vans.

She looked like a normal person.

I held my hand out to shake hers, but she just glared at me.

"Well, we're off to a friendly start."

I sat down next to Izzy.

"She doesn't like to talk, or move, or do anything. All she does is breathe and glare."

Cue another glare from Savannah.

"Why do we even need her here?" I asked.

"Because, she might be able to help us" a voice surprised me form the doorway.

It was none other than Magnus. He looked surprisingly rested, considering he hasn't slept in four days.

"How? All she does is breath and glare." I responded.

"I'm pretty close to figuring out what she is. After we find that out and she helps us, she can leave."

"Okay. But I won't be happy about it."

Then, Alec stormed in, carrying  his and Magnus's kids, Rafe and Max. Max was in his arms, and Rafe was on his back.

"Okay, Magnus, I love you, but I can't raise two kids by myself, babe. I need your help. Rafe has been crying about how you're never around anymore. Max isn't very happy either. You're the one that is good at parenting, not me. I need you, Magnus." he cried.

I don't think he realized that there were three other people in the room. He just glanced at us, and looked back over at his boyfriend.

Magnus was close to tears. "I-I'm sorry. You know how I get when I have work. Here, give me Max, I'll get him to bed. I'll check in on Rafe after Max."

Alec didn't say anything, but he transferred Max into Magnus's arms. Magnus got onto his top-toes, gave Alec a kiss, and whispered "I love you, babe."

Then he ran off. I wish they would just get married already, they basically act like a married couple now. Alec them left. and the room was silent again.


I slowly walked down the hall, and into Max's room. He was sleeping. I gently laid him in his bed, kissed his forehead, and watched as he groaned and slowly woke up.

"Daddy loves you, you know that right?" I whispered to him.

"I love you too daddy" he whispered. Then he fell back asleep.

I sat there for a few minutes, just watching him sleep. Then, I went next door to Rafe's room.

Alec and Rafe were laying in bed, sleeping. I laughed a bit, and walked over to them. I kissed them both, (Rafe on the forehead and Alec on the lips) and whispered "Sleep well kiddos."

Before I could close the door behind me, I heard Alec whisper "I love you too, babe."

Then I went back to work.

I walked into Savannah's room.

"You guys can go, I need to talk to Savannah. Alone," I told Clary and Izzy.

"Don't have too much fun!" Izzy said on the way out.

"IM GAY!" I screeched as she slammed the door.

I turned around, and Savannah was, non surprisingly, glaring at me.

"Okay. Listen. I know what you are. I will tell you, on one condition."

"What?" she asked

"You need to help us with whatever we tell you to. No matter what it is," I answered.

"Okay. I'll do it."

"Good. I have plans for you. Now go to sleep. You'll have a long day tomorrow."

I walked out of the door and into Alec and I's room. I fell on the bed, which was empty without Alec there, and slept for the first time in four days.

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