Chapter 1

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Emma's POV


I heard a small squeal come from downstairs, and sighed.

Next, came Isabelle screaming at Simon to "Get the fuck up you used to be dead you can handle falling five feet."

She used this comeback more times than I could remember, and Simon always stopped her from continuing the same way. Kissing her.

Usually, this resulted in them fucking in Simon's room.

Lucky for me, I was in the room right next to them, and the walls were paper thin.

Every night, this would happen. Including tonight. Which just happened to be right now.

I was seriously considering buying soundproof headphones, so I'd never have to hear that poor bed get closer to breaking every night.

Just as I was going to try to sleep, I heard Izzy scream.

I ran into their room, not caring that they were both pretty much naked except for a blanket covering them. When I walked in, I saw someone staring through the window.

"What the fuck!"

The girl in the window happened to look in at the wrong time, and I sincerely felt bad for her.

I stormed over to the window, and started asking questions.

"Who are you? What are you? Where are you from?"

"I'm Savannah, I really don't know, and  I live in Beacon Hills."

"Well, you must be part Shadowhunter because you can see the Institute. Unless the wards are down."

I quickly screamed up to Magnus, and asked if the wards were down. He replied with a prompt "I'm busy" and then let out a small squeal.  He was probably doing something with Alec, or, rather, doing Alec.

"Well Magnus is-"

I didn't get to finish, because  Savannah passed out.

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