Chapter 6

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I don't know why everyone said Savannah was so rude. She was being nice to me.

I told her about my plan to get Magnus's attention.

I was going to take him on a date, because we haven't been on one in forever. There would be no shadow world things on this date, I wanted a night free of that.

The only problem was I had no one to watch the kids.

"I'll do it! I love kids!" Savannah screeched.

"Are you sure? They can get pretty crazy at times. Also, Rafe has nightmares, so try to not let him sleep until I say we're on our way home."

"I'll watch them. I'll call you if anything goes wrong. Have fun with Magnus!"

I went up to my room, and Magnus was reading a book in his office. I ran up behind him, and whispered "boo" in his ear. He jumped.

"Oh my god I hate you so much!" He yelled."

"No you don't. You love me. Now get ready, because we're going on a date. No arguing. Savannah is watching the kids."

He sighed, but got up. He changed into something sparkly, and did his hair how he normally does it.

"Let's go!" he announced as he ran over to me and grabbed my hand. We walked out the door, but not before Jace could tell "use protection!"

"So, where are we going?"

"You'll see, for now just walk and enjoy the view," I told him.

He stopped and looked at me.

"What?" I questioned.

"You said to enjoy the view, so I'm enjoying it," he smirked.

"You fucking dork," I yelled.

Then he kissed me. I loved kissing him. His lips were so soft, and he didn't care if someone saw us.

"Fucking fags, I've got my kids with me, and they don't need to be introduced to your lifestyle." a random man yelled.

"Why don't you grow the fuck up and suck a dick, because I couldn't give less of a fuck," Magnus yelled at him.

Then we walked towards the movie theatre.

"What are we going to watch?" Magnus asked as we walked in.

"Finding Dory."

He squealed a little bit, and all the little kids looked at him like he was crazy, but obviously, he didn't care.

We got our tickets, and then got a large popcorn and a pink lemonade. We walked into the theatre holding hands, and took our seats at the very top, in a small section for two people in the corner.

Then, the movie started.


Magnus was crying within the first five minutes of the movie. I love him to death, but man, was he emotional.

When it got to the scene where Dory lost her parents, he lost his mind and started full on sobbing. He put his head in the crook of my neck, and I just patted his back, because what else was I supposed to do in the middle of the movie theatre?

After the movie was over, his face was tear stained and his eyes were glassy. I hugged him, and then he said he wanted me to carry him.

I didn't want to make a scene in the theatre, because somebody carrying a crying and sparkly mess was pretty weird. As soon as we walked out, he jumped on my back.

I let him, and we walked like that all the way to McDonald's.

When we got there, we ordered two happy meals. With six piece chicken nuggets and toys for both of us. I got a Pokemon, and Magnus got a My Little Pony. The cashier didn't even care that we were both in our twenties, he just looked like he wanted to die.

After we ate, I called Savannah and told her we were on our way home. She told me that the kids were doing fine, and Max was sleeping. Rafe was watching TV.

We walked hand in hand back to the institute, and when we walked in Rafe ran up to us and jumped into Magnus's arms.

"I missed you two so much!" He yelled.

When we walked into the light, his eyes were red. 

Magnus started yelling, like he does every time he gets sad or nervous.


Rafe's voice started cracking.

"I-I I had a nightmare, I'm sorry I told Savannah not to tell you guys." he was crying again now.

I fell down on my knees and became eye level with Rafe.

"Hey, it's okay. We're here now. But you need to tell us when you have nightmares, because bad things happen when you don't tell anybody." I told him.

I'm speaking from experience. After the war, I had nightmares. Every night. About Max dying, Magnus almost dying, everyone shunning me because I was gay. I almost fell into a deep depression, but Magnus saved me.

"Okay daddy. Can I sleep with you guys tonight? Please?" he pleaded as I wiped away his tears.

Magnus and I both answered yes at the same time. I carried Rafe into our bed, and we all fell asleep.

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