{Chapter Twenty Nine}

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Alec didn't know whether he should be happy, terrified, grateful or all of the above.

He held Ashe against him and could still feel her shaking, though it was noticeably less than before. Kyrler had eyed Ashe for a moment or two after her proclamation before swinging his great head skyward. Then with grace that should have been impossible for a beast of his size, he leapt into the air and shattered the roof of the cave holding him in.

The bits and pieces of black rock tumbled downward, like black glass. To his astonishment, Kyrler unfurled massive wings that blotted out the very sun itself. Ashe had reached for Alec's hand and he'd stared into those serene silver eyes before she'd asked; "Do you trust me?"

Without hesitation he'd said yes and then they disappeared. When Alec had opened his eyes again it was because he felt slick leather against his legs.

They were perched atop Kyrler, astride him like a horse with Ashe pressed into his chest. She may have been trembling but he could feel the power thrumming through her and the... the darkness. The same vibe radiated from Kyrler and he couldn't help but wonder, as they soared through the grey clouds, if Ashe could straddle the line between light and dark for long.

But those thoughts evaporated as a gleaming castle came into view. It truly was a sight that took Alec's breath away, a mighty, near impenetrable fortress made of grey stone. Even in its desolate state it still seemed to stand tall.


He tore his gaze from the castle to follow Ashe's outstretched finger, pointing at the small cluster of people fanned out along one of the walls. The wall they were supposed to break through, Alec realized. And it didn't look as if they were having much luck.

Kyrler banked, nearly tipping the both of them off. Alec gripped harder with his legs and just barely heard Ashe whisper, "hold on."

Then Kyrler tucked his wings close to his body and shot down at the earth. Alec almost screamed like a little girl on a roller coaster as the castle rose to meet them at a dizzying pace. His heart jumped into his throat and then he was on the ground in time to see Kyrler unhinge his jaw and spew fire into the wall.

It melted like butter.

"Well," Ashe stood up next to him, brushing off her clothes. "I'm sure Valentine wasn't expecting to have to defend himself against a dragon."

Alec wanted to just lay on his back and take a moment to relish the feeling of the firm ground beneath him. But he knew he couldn't.

Pulling himself to his feet, he felt a huge shadow blot out the sun once again. He raised his face to meet the giant underbelly of Kyrler. To their credit the remaining Shadow Hunters didn't shy away from the beast, they just stood in awe.

"You are free." Ashe spoke beside him.  Kyrler dipped his head and leapt into the air.

The wall stood before them in smoking tinders, any of Valentine's forces that had been blocking their way were simply ashes floating in the wind.

With a yell, an Elementian with hair like liquid gold, formed a raging spear of white light an charged into the opening. The rest of the band followed and Alec fell in beside his mother in the back with the Shadow Hunters.

"Do I even want to know?" Maryse asked under her breath.

"No." Alec shook his head. "Where are Jace and Isabelle and Father?"

"Already through." Maryse yanked her seraph blade out and it illuminated.

Alec notched an arrow to his bow string and leapt forward. It hadn't taken long for Valentine's forces to regroup and come at them. The group continued to push forward.

"It's a straight path once we're through that wall." Ashe had told them back at the Institute. "If we just keep pushing forward, we'll make it to the middle and the throne room.

So push they did. Alec loosed arrow after arrow, until he finally ran out. Ashe had been right, however, that everything here was faster- stronger and harder. He found more and more Hunters falling around him and soon it seemed the only ones left were Elementians.

Suddenly a demon rushed him with insane speed, knocking him back. He hit the ground with a thud, the air knocked from his lungs. His bow clattered away- useless anyways without arrows. He reached for his blade at his waist, but suddenly the four-legged demon was crouching over him. One of its clawed feet pinned his wrists down and its reeking breath tickled his face. It opened its massive jaw, showing hundreds of needle like teeth.

"Alec!" Ashe hurtled through the fray appearing across the hall. She flicked her wrists and the demon flew to the side, pushed by a wave of black. Its claws sliced through Alec's skin as was wretched free.

With a roar it struck the opposite wall, cracking the stone. It hit the ground, rolled and fell still.

"Alec," Ashe stopped a few yards away, the fighting separating them. Alec brushed hair from his sweaty forehead and gazed at her as she stood, hardly looking winded and radiating a dark energy that put him on edge. Then a demon was flying at her and she ripped her gaze from his, raising her hands to meet it.

Alec turned, securing his blade in his hand and continued moving forward in the fray. Their numbers were growing few but surprisingly, so were the demons. Then as he cut down another vile looking creature, he glimpsed two ornate looking doors.

"There it is!" He yelled, finding his voice hoarse but strong. "We're almost there!"

Heads snapped in his direction before comprehending what he was saying. A cheer rose, faint as it was, and with renewed vigor they pushed forward again. Alec fought, tooth and nail, slaying countless demons in his path. Occasionally he glimpsed Jace or his sister or his parents but they were never able to reach one another.

And then they were there- in front of the great doors.

"Hurry!" Ashe yelled from the front as two Elementians with gold eyes and white hair moved forward. A roar of wind and fury tore through the hall and Alec had to cover his eyes for a moment. Then with a monumental sound, the doors were wrenched open.

The remaining survivors surged forward and scrambled into the room. Alec gazed around inside, taking in the dome ceiling made of rainbow colored glass. Torn banners depicting wars and victories decorated the walls and the floor was glazed red in several places.

He found Ashe staring at a particular spot and took the moment to brush his shoulder against hers and for a moment it was just them again, together.

Then the great doors slammed shut and with an audible click, sealed them in the room.

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