{Chapter Eighteen}

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"Have you seen Alec?" Ashe knocked softly on Jace's open door.

He turned from the book in his hands and shook his head. "Last I heard he was with Maryse in her office."

"That was hours ago." Ashe frowned.

Jace snapped his book shut. "Shouldn't you be resting?"

"No." Ashe said, "I've literally been resting all day."

Jace raised an eyebrow and Ashe sighed. "I just don't like laying there with nothing to do and I can't fall asleep."

"Okay, whatever you say. Maryse's office is that way." Jace pointed down the hall. "Big green door with lots of runes on it. You can't miss it."

"Thanks, Jace. For everything." Ashe turned and continued down the corridor, turning left. Just like Jace had said, a huge hunter green door rose before her, emblazoned with what Ashe assumed to be the Lightwood family crest.

She knocked hesitantly.

"Come in."

Ashe pushed the door open silently.

"Ah, Ashlyne. Or Ashe as my son tells me you prefer to be called." Maryse rose from her desk gracefully. "Come in. "

Ashe stepped onto the hard wood floor, shoes whispering against it and closed the door behind her with a click. She held her hands behind her back and glanced at Lydia standing in the corner, like Maryse's lapdog.

Maryse's heels clicked on the floor as she neared Ashe. She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. "I can see why my son has fallen for you. Such a pretty thing aren't you?" She circled behind, like a bird stalking its prey. Her hand brushed Ashe's back. "Except for these... markings. They tarnish whatever purity you had." She stepped away.

Ashe dug her fingernails into her palms but kept silent.

"Well, I'll just lay it out in the open." Maryse crooked a finger at Lydia, who obediently came forward. "Alec is getting married."

The world stopped.

Then started.

And stopped again.

"To Lydia, here," Maryse continued as if she hadn't dealt a blow she knew would strike home. "These plans have been in preparation for a long time." Her gaze skimmed up and down Ashe.

"Alec-" Ashe started but Maryse waved a finger.

"No. I won't have you ruining this. This wedding symbolizes much more than just husband and wife. It will restore honor to the Lightwood family name. Our reputation will be tarnished no longer. The Clave won't look down on us and give us mundane duties." Her fist came down on her desk and Lydia flinched. "We will be powerful."

"This isn't even about Alec," Ashe hissed. "It's about your thirst for power, your own selfish desires."

Maryse shook her head. "I won't listen to this." She clasped her hands. "No messages have been sent to the Clave regarding the situation about Elementia."

Ashe's blood froze. "What?"

"And Lydia will not send word until you agree to end whatever it is you have with my son."

"The fate of my people hang in the balance!"

"More motivation to you to make the correct decision." Maryse retook her seat at her desk.

Ashe glanced at Lydia whose gaze was fixed on the floor. "You're bribbing me with Elementian's lives."

"As soon as you agree to this deal, Lydia will send a message immediately to the Clave and help will be on the way as soon as possible."

Ashe's heart was in her throat, white hot anger pulsing in her that she shoved down.

Elementia. Her people. Her home.

"It's simple really, tell him you don't care anymore. You've tired of him or that you've come to your senses. Tell him he has to marry Lydia. It's the honorable thing to do." She scraped a finger nail along the desk surface.

Ashe swallowed. Be smart.

"I'll do it."

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