{Chapter Nine}

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"What the-"  Alec raced after Ashe, muttering curses as he went.  "How the hell did you do that?"  He asked when he reached where she was, slightly out of breath.

"Shadow travel."  She answered and pointed.  "Where ever there are shadows, I'm able to teleport myself to.  It has limits of course."  She glanced up at the sky.  "It still early morning so there are lots of shadows and it has to be to a place I can see."  She disappeared and reappeared behind him, in his own shadow.

His face broke into a grin.  "That's actually pretty sweet." 

She shrugged and disappeared again.  This time he didn't wait to see where she would reappear, he just raced to catch up. 

When they finally reached the nest, it appeared to be in a club of sorts, like Jace had said.

"How do you propose we get in?"  Ashe asked as they stood in the ally next to the building.

He shrugged.  "Just walk in?  I mean it is a club, we should be able to get in."

"Okay.  I'm game."  Ashe straightened her jacket.

"Once we're in, we can start looking around." 

Ashe nodded and together they started walking to the front entrance.  Alec pulled open the doors and they stepped inside. 

It was dark and smelled like sweat, oil and blood.  On one side was a bar and next to it was a dance floor with pulsing lights.  It was mostly empty due to the fact that it was near afternoon. Music seemed to bounce off the walls and they shoved their way through to one of the unoccupied tables in the corner.

They slid into the seats and Ashe glanced around.  "It looks like a regular club to me.  Minus all the vampires."

Alec chuckled.  "Yeah." 

"So what exactly are we looking for?"

"Jace said the vampires have been taking mundanes and draining them of their blood and stock holding the bodies somewhere."

Ashe grimaced.  "Sounds lovely."

"Yeah."  Alec scanned the room.  "We should check out back there."  He pointed to a door on the opposite end of the bar.  A large vampire was lounging against the wall near it.

"Well it's obvious they don't want anyone back there.  He's clearly a guard."  Ashe observed. 

"Clearly."  Alec agreed. 

"Alright."  Ashe stood up and shrugged off her jacket.  "Hold this.  And make sure you move quick."

"Wait-"  Alec stood up as she tossed her jacket at him.  "What are you doing?" 

She smirked.  "I'm the distraction."  She yanked her shirt down, dangerously low and Alec quickly averted his gaze.

He watched as she sauntered over to the lone vampire and then dumbly down at the jacket in his hand.  With a shake of his head, he quickly skirted along the back wall and stopped near the vampire and the door.  He couldn't quite make out what they were saying and he didn't want to reactivate the listening rune in public. So he settled for analyzing their body posture and trying to read their lips.

Ashe was leaning forward and the vampire's eyes weren't even anywhere near her face.  Alec's blood heated and his fists tightened.  The vampire reached a hand for Ashe and Alec growled, nearly storming out of the shadows.  But he froze as the vampire quickly jerked his head towards the movement.

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