{Chapter Seven}

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The journey back to the Institute was silent.  And incredibly awkward. When they finally reached the doors, Alec didn't know which of the four of them was more relieved.

Jace walked up the steps and Ashe made to follow but Alec caught her arm.  "Ashe-"

"Don't, Alec.  Just don't."  She turned and pulled her arm away, disappearing through the door way.

He sighed and rubbed his forehead. 

"I'd say she definitely needs you."
Alec turn to glare at Izzy who smiled innocently.  "What?"

"Did-did you see what she did?  What she can do?" 

"Yeah.  So?  It just makes you even more attracted to her, am I right?"  Izzy flicked a strand of hair over her shoulder.

"She's insanely powerful and that warlock-Magnus- he called her a demon!  It's my duty to report that to the Clave."

"But you don't want to, do you."

"I-"  Alec swallowed.  "No."

"Then don't."  Isabelle smirked.  "Everyone's still in the gatherings.  We have plenty of time.  I'll go with Jace and try to clean up this mess.  You-" she poked him in the chest.  "You go talk to Ashe.  She needs it.  And so do you."  Izzy turned and sauntered up the steps.

He raked a hand through his hair, and pulled his bow off his back.  Entering the Institute, he placed his quiver and bow on the weapons rack before turning and heading through the halls to Ashe's room.

"Ashe?"  Alec pushed the door open and didn't see her. He softly padded further into room. He heard the sound of water running and the door to the bathroom was slightly ajar. "Ashe?"

The faucet turned off.

Placing one hand on the door, Alec pushed it open with a creak. Ashe had both hands braced on either side of the basin and she was staring into it. "What are you doing in here?"

"I just wanted to see if you were okay."

"Well I'm fine." She grabbed one of the towels hanging on the wall and dried her hands off.

"For some reason I don't believe that." He leaned against the wall.

She didn't answer, gaze fixed one the floor. Her hand still gripped the towel and she was rubbing and dragging the it across her hands, creating angry red marks.

"Ashe- stop" He reached out and plucked the towel from her grasp.

She looked startled for a moment before straightening and brushing past him into her room.

He followed her. "What you did back there, in the warehouse when you saved us-what was that?"

"That was my magic."  She answered as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Okay well that was nothing like any of the factions you told me about in Elementia." 

Finally she stopped and looked at him fully. "Remember when I told you there were six factions?"

"Yeah."  He dropped the towel from his grip into the top of her dresser.

She placed her hands on her hips.  "Well I'm the sixth." 

He frowned.  "That's not clearing anything up."

"The Hayze.  The wielders of dark and shadow and night.  I'm the only of my kind.  There used to be more."  Ashe looked away.  "Many more."

"Well what happened to them?"  Alec folded his arms.

"There was an uprising and they were all slaughtered.  By our own people long ago." 

"Uprising?"  He frowned.  "Against what? And why would your own people do such a thing?"

"Because of what happened tonight, Alec."  Her eyes danced in the moonlight. "Because of what I was mistaken for.  A demon.  Don't think I didn't miss the way you reacted when you saw my abilities."  She shook her head.  "We were the most powerful but also the most dangerous.  Our people thought we were an abomination.  A cursed patch in the bloodline." Her voice trailed off and she was rubbing her hands again, the skin becoming red.

He wanted to reach out and stop her. Trap her hands within his own, stop her from hurting herself any more. But he didn't- he couldn't. He asked another question instead. "So your kind was killed?"

She nodded and smiled humorlessly.  "And for good reason I suppose.  Once people find out... it's different.  Like they're afraid of what we can do."

"But... but your power is no different than any of the others.  Night is still one of the elements.  Without it there would be an imbalance."

"Yeah, well try telling everyone else that.  And maybe explain to them that we aren't demons while you're at it."

"We aren't afraid of you." 

"Yeah?  Well you should be.  Anyone in their right mind would be." Ashe turned her back to him.

"No. No they shouldn't be. And do you want to know why?" Alec stepped forward and spun her towards him. "Because you aren't what they say you are. Your abilities, your magic- this- it doesn't make you into a demon or any tainted part of the bloodline. It makes you, you."

They were close and Alec could feel Ashe's arm tense at his touch. "But what if the thing that makes me, me is terrifying, Alec? What if it makes people so afraid that they tremble and want to run? What if I even scare myself?"

Alec found himself reaching for a stray piece of hair and tucking it behind her ear. His hand lingered at the base of her neck. "You don't ever need to be afraid of yourself. What you can do- its not terrifying, it's a gift. Just like all the others. You just need to accept it."

She exhaled quietly and Alec realized his hand was still resting on the nape of her neck. He withdrew his hand, trying not to linger on the cold feeling that filled the absence of her touch.

"You should go." She said quietly. "Check on Isabelle. See if anyone else has gotten any messages through." Shadows flickered across her face and for half a heartbeat Alec almost told her no, that he wasn't going to leave.

Then she stepped back and crossed back into the bathroom, shutting the door with a soft click. The faint smell of jasmine clung to the air. Alec slipped from her bedroom and walked down the hall to his own.

"I take it that went well?" Isabelle was lounging on his bed, inspecting a red finger nail.

He jumped. "Why are you always in here?"

She shrugged, sitting up.

"Well would you please leave?"

"Did you guys kiss?"

"What? No!" Alec yanked open his dresser drawer.

"Someone's face got pretty red there. Do you want my advice?"

"No, Isabelle, I do not want your advice." He spun around and pointed to the door. "Out."

She sighed dramatically. "Some day you'll want my advice."

"Or not."

She grinned like he hadn't even spoken. "Just wait, big brother. Just wait." Then she flounced out the door.

With a sigh Alec fell onto his bed and closed his eyes.

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