{Chapter Six}

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"Valentine has made many enemies over the years.  Hopefully it won't only be these warlocks willing to help.  Maybe others will come out of the shadows as well."  Izzy pulled a knife into the sheath around her thigh.

"Or they'll stay in hiding like they have been all these years."  Alec picked up a sleek black bow from the rack. 

Izzy shot him a look and turned to Ashe.  She waved her hands at the weapons rack.  "See anything you like?"

Out of the corner of Ashe's eye, she saw Alec look up from his bow and she half expected him to protest on the action of arming her.  But he didn't and she started forward, grasping two silver blades.  Not long enough to be swords but not quite short enough to be daggers either.   She spun them in her hands. 

Izzy grinned at her before sliding the compartment closed. 

"Interesting choice."  Alec's deep voice sounded from behind her.

"I'm not at my best with a sword."  She glanced at his bow.  "And I take it, neither are you?" 

He shifted the weapon onto his back and shrugged.  "Depends."

"Are you two coming?"  Jace appeared from around the corner. 

"Yeah,"  Alec started forward and Ashe followed. 


"It's no use using an invisibility rune.  They're warlocks, they'll see us a mile away." 

"I know that, Izzy."  Alec sounded annoyed.  "It's a strength rune, not invisibility."

Isabelle humphed and Ashe resisted the urge to laugh as she caught sight of Alec giving his sister a dirty look in the dark.  They acted like pair of eight-year-olds.

"Could you two please stop bickering for one minute?"  Jace said irritably, as if he'd read Ashe's mind.  He sighed.  "Okay we're going in through the roof of the warehouse.  All the other doors are heavily guarded."

"So there's a door on the roof?"  Isabelle asked.

"Not exactly.  It's a window."

"If we're going to ask them for help, don't we think we shouldn't be breaking in?"  Alec pointed out.  "Breaking in suggests... I don't know but not that we're coming to ask for help."

"And it probably won't make them want to give us aid either,"  Ashe added quietly.

"So are you suggesting we just march up there and basically knock on the front door?"  Jace folded his arms.

Alec shrugged.  "It's worth a try."

Isabelle stood up.  "I'm on board.  It beats breaking through a roof." 

"It wasn't that bad of a plan, guys."  Jace stood as well and Ashe followed.

"That's debatable," Alec muttered.

"Whatever.  Let's go."  Jace pushed through the thorny undergrowth and stepped forward. 

Dead grass crunched underfoot and Ashe glanced upwards.  The trees had no leaves, their bare branches reaching to the sky like skeletal fingers.  She resisted the urge to shudder.

"It's creepy, I know."  Isabelle whispered from beside her. 

"Shh," Alec held out a hand, stopping the small group.  "Did you see that?"

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