{Chapter Twenty Eight}

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Ashe raised her fist and the Elementians in front of her gave a collective cry of triumph. Her heart swelled as she gazed across at the small group that was all that remained of the once thriving realm.

He will pay.

"We must join the Shadow Hunter forces currently at the castle. Then we will shatter his forces and watch him fall!" She spat on the ground. Turning her gaze to Maryse she said quietly, "Will you lead them back to the castle?"

Maryse frowned but swiftly nodded.

"There is one more thing here that I need to do." She said in explanation.

"I'm coming with you." Alec's rough but somehow gentle voice grazed her ear.

She turned to face him, taking in his slightly disheveled appearance and bright blue eyes. "Alec-"

"I won't leave you." His tone was final.

"Fine." Ashe said, turning back to Maryse. "We'll meet you at the castle. Be safe."

Maryse laid a hand on Ashe's shoulder. "I may have misjudged you, Ashlyne." Then she strode away and Ashe knew that was as close to an apology she was going to receive.

The large group began trickling away and Ashe turned to Alec. "Ready?"

He heaved a sigh. "Do I even want to know what crazy idea you've got in mind this time?"

"No, probably not.  But don't worry- we only have to make it to the center of the mountain."

"Only? Well, gee not like we have to go to the most heavily fortified part where we have the potential to die every five seconds."

Ashe stared at him. "Did you just sass me?"

He stared back. "Possibly."

She shook her head, starting off at a light jog. "We'll talk about this later."

"Talk about what?" He loped to catch up. "Am I not allowed to be sassy now that we're a couple?"

Ashe stumbled and regained her footing. "Couple? Is that what we are? I guess that's what we are." She answered her own question.

Alec finally came level with her. "Do you not want to be- you know-"

"No- no- it's not that- it's just..." She trailed off coming to a stop.

"What?" Alec stopped too.

"I-I sense something. We're close." She started forward at a cautious pace.

In an exasperated whisper Alec said, "Sense what?"

Ashe's breath caught as it overwhelmed all her senses. Continuing forward a weight settled in her chest, so heavy for a moment she thought she wouldn't be able to breath. Alec remained by her side, glancing at her worriedly. "Are you alright?"

She gritted her teeth against the low buzzing that sounded at the base of her skull. "How are you not affected by this?"

"By what?"

"That." Ashe's voice dropped to a near inaudible tone and she pointed with one trembling hand at the mass of black in the center of the prison.

Alec followed her gaze and she heard his sharp intake of breath.

The center of the prison was a large, hollowed out cavern with walls that seemed to stretch forever. The floor was a pale dust and it was empty save for the humongous reptile curled up in a ball.

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