{Chapter Twenty One}

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Alec gazed at the reflection of himself in the mirror and swallowed.

"I'm so proud of you." Maryse appeared beside him, straightening his already perfect jacket and brushing away specks of imaginary dirt. "You're doing the right thing."

He looked at her. "Do you really believe that?"

She sighed. "Alec, you'll understand in due time. Once you're married, you'll look back on this moment with the wisdom of age and all things will be clear."

He just shook his head, breaking away from her hands and moving to the other side of the room.

"You won't regret this." Maryse said quietly as she left through the door.

Alec looked in the mirror again at his reflection. "You won't regret this." He echoed.


The room was ornately decorated with shimmering tapestries of blue. They moved this way and that, reflecting light and dancing like ocean waves. The chairs were white and a dark hunter green- the Lightwood family color. Flower petals of gold and sliver were scattered along the floor and runes decorated the walls.

Alec tore his eyes from the surroundings. Isabelle had really outdone herself on this one. He climbed the steps to the alter, where he stood on one side. Jace was a little ways behind him. "You gonna be okay?" He said, voice low.

Alec straightened his shoulders. "I'll be fine."

The procession started. First announcing a few of the lower guests of importance. Then his extended family, Shadow Hunter legends and warriors. Finally his parents stepped through the door, arm in arm. His mother wore a dazzling smile and his father's eyes were bright. The came Isabelle, adorned in a form fitting dress, lips red and jewels sitting at her throat. She smiled at Alec as she walked to the alter and stood across from him.

"Ambassador for the realm of Elementia: Ashlyne Malov."

Alec lost his ability to breath.

She stepped into his view in a dress that swept the floor and was as black as death. The neck line plunged precariously low, leaving her chest, shoulders, back and arms bare. The lines of her tattoos swirled on her skin like living shadows, outlined by silver. Her hair was swept back and trailed to the side like a waterfall of midnight, adorned with gold and silver jewels. Her eyes were cold and serene as she slowly stalked down the aisle.

She dipped her head to Maryse, who was absolutely fuming, and to the elder Shadow Hunters. Her eyes fixed in him like a predator finding its prey, before moving to Jace and then Isabelle. Her dark lips parted in a smile that chilled the room and seemed more threatening than any weapon a warrior could hold.

Ashe slid into her seat, flicking her eyes to him one more time. They held each other's gaze until Jace quietly cleared his throat as Lydia entered the room.

Her dress was beautiful and her hair was like a golden halo. Her eyes were bright and she smiled, full of joy. Her entrance was like a flood of sunshine compared to Ashe's bone chilling arrival, moments ago.

Alec held out his hand as she ascended the steps gracefully and stood across from him. Isabelle held out the small cushion and Lydia grasped the metal bracelet. Alec held out his wrist and she carefully fastened it on.

He then reached for the necklace resting on the pillow Jace held. Lydia slowly turned around and Alec placed it gently around her neck. He fastened the clip.

Together they faced the alter again, hand in hand.

"It is time for Alec Lightwood and Lydia Bronwell to mark each other with the wedded union rune." The tall hooded figure spoke, extending his staff to the crystal that sat before them. He touched the crystal and it glowed brightly. "A rune on the hand, a rune on the heart."

Alec's heart raced and Lydia squeezed his hand.

"A union is born." The figure finished. Isabelle extended her pillow again and Lydia reached for the stele resting there.

Alec swallowed uncomfortably, curling his fingers. Lydia touched the tip of the stele to the glowing crystal and a faint mist-like vapor webbed out.

She reached for Alec's wrist, her fingers brushing his hand. She glanced up at his face, stele poised in the air. She smiled comfortingly.

Alec's chest contracted and he blinked, his gaze finding Ashe. She met him with a cool look and slowly tilted her chin up.

"You gonna be okay buddy?" Jace asked from behind him.

Alec didn't answer.

"Alec," Lydia spoke and he jerked his gaze back to her face. "Hey."

He sucked a breath in, averting his eyes again. "I-I can't breath."

"I know," Lydia said softly, a smile on her face. "It's okay."

Alec sucked in more air again, trying to slow his heart. "I can't do this."

Lydia's smile faded.

"I'm sorry, I can't be with you not when-"

"You don't have to explain." Lydia shook her head.

"Lydia, I'm sorry." Alec looked at her.

She placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. You deserve to be happy." She smiled, and brushed his cheek. "I'll be fine."

Alec nodded, taking a deep breath before turning to face the audience.

His mother rose to her feet, along with his father and the rest of his family. Lydia's hand dropped away and Alec stepped forward, to the edge of the platform.

He gazed at Ashe, who blinked, her dark eyes flickering.

Alec took a step down the stairs. And then another. And another. He reached the bottom, never breaking Ashe's gaze. She slowly stood up and he loosed a shallow breath through his mouth.

Then he strode down the aisle.

His mother stormed forward to meet him. "Alec, what are you-"

"Enough." He said, striding past her.

Ashe stepped from her seat and into his path. "Alec-"

He reached her and grasped her waist, pulling her to him and pressing his mouth to hers.

Her reaction was instantaneous as she melded to him. Her scent enveloped him, wrapping around him languidly.

And for a moment everything aligned. The pieces fell into place and it was perfect.

Ashe pulled back and gasped in a breath.

Alec blinked. "You never cease to amaze me, Ashe."

"Yeah. What the hell did you just do?" Her gaze fixed past him to Maryse who stood in absolute rage. The guests had risen from their seats and whispering filled the room.

Alec turned to meet his mother's gaze, but she had already turned on her heel, stalking from the room with his father close behind.

Isabelle hurried down the steps, coming up to the two of them. "Alec, I am so proud of you." A smile split her face and Alec couldn't help but smile back.

Then her smile faded as she looked at Ashe who had gone pale. "Ashe-"

Ashe shook her head and swallowed. "Things should be fine. She can't recall her word to the Clave now, right?"

"Recall what? What word?" Alec's gaze flitted between the two of them. Isabelle quickly explained what Maryse had done and Alec frowned.

"She actually did that? My mother?"

"Unfortunately." Ashe said quietly, gazing at the doorway through which Maryse had disappeared. "And I don't know what she is going to do now."

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