{Chapter Four}

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Ashe paced across the room for what seemed the hundreth time.

She couldn't stop, because if she did then she would start thinking. Start thinking of all that had happened of her father...of Atlas...

"No," She muttered to herself.
Her pacing resumed, faster than before.

Upon entering the room, she had abruptly jumped into the shower, turning the water ice cold. It had soothed her muscles and washed away the sweat and blood. Her shoulder had been stitched up neatly and she found herself wondering if it was Alec who'd done it.

Probably not, he seemed more like he wanted to poison her than care for her injuries.

She'd found clean clothes on the bed laid out for her, presumably from Isabelle. After changing into the grey pants and white shirt, Ashe had felt better than she had in days. But now her mind was left to wander and she had no interest in sleep.

A piece of her wanted to sob. Lay on the great bed and cry her throat hoarse. In a mere matter of hours she'd lost everything she'd ever known. Now she was her, alone, in another dimension that was supposed to give her aid. And the only Shadow Hunter's she'd been able to find were three young people her own age. No one from the Clave or Idris with power or authority.

Ashe sucked in a breath. She needed the Shadow Hunters to trust her. Needed them to believe she was telling the truth. They had to help her-they had to. If they didn't... then everyone's sacrifices would be for nothing.

And she couldn't- she wouldn't let that happen.


There was a knock on her door. "Ashe?"
"Yeah?" She turned around to face Isabelle standing in the doorway. How she managed to look... well like a goddess really, in the morning was beyond Ashe.

"I'm here to escort you to breakfast." Isabelle frowned at her.


"Did you sleep at all last night? You look a bit..."

"Tired? Pale? Half-dead?" She shrugged.

Isabelle rolled her eyes. "How's your shoulder feeling?"


"Not a morning person I see." Isabelle flounced to Ashe and hooked an arm through her non-injured elbow. "Let's go."

"So what are these Gatherings that everyone has disappeared to?" Ashe asked on the way to the kitchen.

"A series of meetings that could span anywhere from days to weeks and include all Shadow Hunters from around the world. They are not to be interrupted for any reason." Isabelle tossed her hair over shoulder.

"Damn. I guess I showed up at the wrong time."

She stopped right outside the kitchen door and looked at her. "Yeah. I guess you did."
They entered the room where Alec and Jace were already seated.

"We're here!" Isabelle sang, pushing Ashe towards a seat at the table which unfortunately happened to be next to Alec.

"Please tell me you didn't cook anything," Alec said with a pointed look at his sister.

"No," Izzy scowled, planting some toast in front of her brother. She held up two more pieces of bread, offering them to Ashe.

"Sure. Thanks." She picked up the toast and Jace slid her the butter. She picked up a knife and felt Alec tense beside her.

She covered both pieces and set the utensil down. "You know, Alec, if I were going to kill anyone here, my first weapon of choice probably wouldn't be a butter knife." She slid the potential weapon and butter to him and he slammed his hand down on it.
Jace coughed in a poorly disguised laugh.

Living Like Legends [Alec Lightwood]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon