Leave Me Today

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Nobody knew why Harry had been so off for the last few months, but what they did know, is that he was gradually getting worse.

The once happy-go-lucky, high-spirited teenage had turned into a dull, anti-social, moody guy, who spent most of his time locked in his and Louis' bedroom, his head buried in his diary, scribbling away thoughts that nobody else was allowed to see. The only one who ever saw him past concerts and interviews, was Louis. Each night, he would silently creep into their shared bed, hoping and praying that maybe he would talk, but he never did. He just lay there, clinging to his leather bound diary, back turned to him.

To the public, however, there was no change what-so-ever. His persona completely changed whenever the cameras were around, back to the old Harry that everybody knew and loved. He'd flirt with all the guys, hugging and kissing them playfully on the cheek to keep the fans happy. He'd laugh and joke in the interviews, making out that everything was alright, just like nothing had ever happened.

But as soon as the cameras were off, he would immediatly change. The boys never mentioned it to him, well, not after Louis had tried and ended up nearly deaf with his shouting rant. Louis had still slept with him, but he could never sleep, half with worry that he would do something drastic in the night, and half with hope, that maybe he would turn over and talk, but it never happened.

Finally, the tension in the house became too much for the guys, and they asked, full of regret, for Harry to be moved out. The 4 boys went out, telling Harry they were going to get something for tea, and after getting no reply as usual, they left for the office. They sat in front of the management and told them everything, tears in their eyes, wishing they didn't have to resort to this.


"So then boys, come in. I got your text Liam, what is all this fuss about?" Their manager said calmly, his eyes scanning over the 4 boys as they came in and sat down, a curious look on his face appearing when Harry didn't appear.

Liam was the first to speak, taking a deep breath, before beginning to tell the story.

"Well, as you have probably noticed, Harry isn't here today, but that's what our problem is"

"Harry?" The manager questioned, confused.

Harry, in their eyes, had always been the good boy, accepting whatever proposals they gave him with a pinch of salt, no matter how much they hurt him.

"Well, yeah, you see" Continued Liam, the tears already starting to well in his eyes.

"Harry, he hasn't been himself lately. He won't talk to anyone, he locks himself away in his room, he never comes down to eat, Louis has to take it up to him otherwise he wouldn't eat at all. He blanks us out the minute the cameras are off! Yet on stage and in interviews, he is the same as he was before, in fact, he even laughs and jokes around more than he used to honestly"

Liam stopped talking as the tears started to roll down his face, NIall pulling him in for a hug as he broke down in his arms, the thought of losing Harry finally hitting him. The manager sat there shocked, trying to take it all in.

"Has... has anyone tried talking to him about it? Seeing what is wrong?" He asked, worry lining his voice.

"I have" Said Louis, as he shakily raised his hand.

"He just screamed at me, telling me to mind my own buisness. Saying that I was making it all worse for him, before he pushed me away and stormed off to the bus. He hasn't spoke to any of us since, not even me. Not past on the stage or in interviews anyway."

Louis then also looked down, and cried, remembering clearly the day he had tried to speak to Harry. The vemon in his best mate's voice pierced through him and shocked him to the core. Zayn also budged across on the plush leather sofa, pulling the older boy onto his knee and rubbing his back soothingly. Zayn had been shocked himself when he saw it, but he knew that it would be nothing compared to what it did to Louis. They had been inseparable, and now they were too far apart.

Secrets Within - Larry Stylinson, Ziam, Nosh - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now