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I want to thank all my readers and Ghosties and Eonnies and Oppas and Dongsaengs....you guys seriously are amazing! None of this could have even been done if it wasn't for you and and all of your support for my books....i cant even express how you guys make me feel...there are no words that can express my gratitude and love for you guys...you make me feel normal and special...you make me want to wake up every morning and write...even if i have to stay up late to write you guys make it worth it...if there was a way i could meet all of you and give each of you a hug i would do it...

Many of you know my dreams of becoming an artist...i am sad to say it might not happen...i don't have the the time to practice and i have no dance studio to go to...i had been using and old house that's falling in and being taken over by barn swallows...but...i will say this...if i cant be a performing artist..then i am going to follow my dreams as a fashion director and/or Designer...or even A international Chef and own my own restaurant that cooks foods(no matter how weird it sounds or taste) from all over the world(Australia, South America, Asia, North America, Europe, Africa and Dishes based off of Antartica!)...so please support me if i cant make it as an Artist!!!.

Oh and before i forget...I need a new Cover for 'Baby Im Sorry' and my 'Kpop Smuts' you can send them via:


Chrystal Jones (the profile pic is of me...i have glasses on) you can send a request as well if you like


Chrystal (again pic of me same as facebook)

I will pick out my favorites...

Thank you all of you so much for the 1k views...and for 160+ followers..it means the world and more to me...

KPOP SMUTS(Request Closed)Where stories live. Discover now