~His Aggression~ Yugyeom(GOT7)

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Currently listening to U-KISS Stalker

Request by the awesome @MonstaXBap
I had fun writing this..i had to be sneaky though..my grandmother asked what i was doing..lolol.i told her i was reading a book..almost caught..the book that i was reading was Fifty Shades of Grey...(don't judge had to get a good idea of what i wanted in this....but i read the book like Fifty times anyways...)

"_______-Jagi...sit down here while i go get our Ice Cream." Yugyeom says motioning toward a table. I nod as i watch him go to the counter. "_______...is that you?"
I look up to see a familiar face peering down at me. "Junhong!..oh my...its been awhile!" i smile at him. "May i sit here?...i'd like to catch up." i nod motioning for him to take a seat, unknowing that Yugyeom is watching the scene before him.
"How have you been since that day...I looked for you at your old apartment but they said you moved...i was going to tell you some great news!" he smiles looking out the window. "Yeah...a few months after that day...i moved in with a friend of mine...but what news is it...don't tell me you made it..." his smile was the only answer i needed. "Oh Junhong i am so proud...so when will you be leaving?...i wish you the best of luck in America." He smiles before looking up when he felt an alluring presence.
"Jagi...i think we have ice cream at home...we should head back." Yugyeom states, interrupting our chat. "Junhong...is it okay if we stop here?" i ask, smiling. He nods. "It was great seeing you again...you should come see me off at the Airport next week!" i nod, waving as Yugyeom leads me out to his car.

"Who was that guy you were talking to?" anger lacing his voice as he turns the key in the ignition. "My ex Junhong...why...he was just telling me how he got accepted into a college in America..." i answer buckling my seat belt. He turns to me then back to the road, mumbling under his breathe. "Oh it's nothing jagi."
The rest of the ride was silent, only the radio was playing. We arrive home almost instantly. I walk in first, not paying attention to the door being locked behind me by Yugyeom. I walk to the kitchen to find the Ice Cream he had said was in there. Nothing. There was no ice cream in the freezer. As i turn to yell for him, i was stopped short by a pair of hand pushing me to the counter. "Yugyeo--mmphf" his lips attacked me ever so hungrily. I push him off of me, glaring as i wipe my mouth off.
"What the hell Yugyeom...what has gotten into you!" He takes a step forward towering over me with his gigantic height. "Oh...nothing...but you've been a bad girl, Jagi." he seductively purrs into my ear causing me to shiver. "Yugie...is this about me talking to Junhong...it was a frien--ahhh...Yugie!" i was cut off as i felt his teeth sink into the side of my neck.
"I am going to punish you tonight Kitten...i want you to do everything i say...now...what do you say Kitten?" i gulp down my saliva, my heart begins to race right out of my chest. "Yes Yugyeom." -smack- my hands flew to my back side. "Its not Yugyeom...Its Daddy...okay...now lets try that again shall we~" he trails his tongue down to my collarbone. "Yes...D-Daddy."
I feel him smirk against my skin. He picks me up bridal style, walking us to our shared room.
"Strip...slowly for Daddy." he commands as he lays down on the bed to watch me. I did as he said and began to take each article of clothing off, going as slow as i could hoping to not anger him further. "Good show Kitten...now come to Daddy..." i turn to crawl on the bed, taking note that his hand was down his jeans. "Come strip me of my clothes...but if you tease just once...i will spank you with the whip..." i nod working on his shirt, lifting it up and over his head. His eyes wear glued on my bare chest in front of him. "Kitten,.the twins look bigger than normal...it might just be me..." i blush as i make my way to his pants. I fumble with his button, earning a frown from him. "Bad Kitten..what did i say." -crack- tears form in my eyes as i cry out in pain. "now repeat what i said..." his hand run my thighs were the whip hit. "n-not to tease..." he stops before bring my face to his. "And what did you do." i look away from his intense eyes. "I teased...i am sorry..." he sinks back against the head board, lifting his hips so i can pull off his jeans and boxers.
"Now...come up here...i want to say something..." i obey, not wanting to get hit by the whip again. "What have i told you about talking to other guys while we were on dates...have i not told you to ignore them and only pay attention to me and you." i nod, looking down as tears well up again. "and what did you do today...you spoke to an Ex...of all guys..you spoke to someone who could take you away from me..."
-crack-  Once again i felt the whip hit my thigh, leaving a long red lash mark. "Lay on you back...i am going to teach you a lesson..." he stands up and walks to our closet, pulling out a black bag. I gulp, knowing that inside that bag are his toys he would use to torture me with. "lay down and close your eyes." i do as he say. I could hear him shuffle through the bag before walking to the bed. -click- i felt my hands being restrained to the bed post. "Now so you cant fight back....and so you cant see..." he pulls a piece of cloth over my eyes, plunging my sight into darkness.
I hear Yugyeom chuckle darkly in my ear. "Did Junhong ever make you feel this way Kitten?" i shake my head, fear creeping over my body as i felt his hands trace my down my chest and to my womanhood.
"Yu-Daddy...please...please.....don't..." i could sense the change in the atmosphere once i hear a click of a button.
"AHH....uhhh...Daddy...ahhh....fuck!!!!!" he plunges the vibrator deep within me, thrusting it in and out slowly, torturously. "This is what you get for talking to your ex....don't ever do it again." -crack-  Tears streak down my face as the whip made contact again with my bare skin.
He chuckles leaning down to grasp my breasts molding one in his hand while the other he uses his mouth to nip at and suck ever so roughly. "Daddy...please...." he stops his actions as i moan for him
"Yes Kitten...please what?" he crawls up to stare into my eyes. "Daddy...please let me cum..please." He smirks as he captures my lips with his in a heated passionate battle. He turns the vibrator all the way up, causing me to moan loudly. He takes this as a chance to shove is tongue into my mouth. He begins to play with mine, pulling it into his own mouth were he sucks on it before letting me breathe. "Kitten...I am going to fuck the living hell out of you...you wont walk for weeks...now scream for me Jagi!" Yugyeom removes the Vibrator, replacing it with his own hardened member roughly.
My screams grew louder with each thrust as he goes deeper and deeper within me. "Daddy...ahhh...I'm...I'm close."
Yugyeom speeds his thrust indicating that he, himself is also close. "ahh..YUGYEOM!!!" I scream his name as i release my juices all over him. He continued to pound into me until he released his seed, mixing it with mine.
He collapses on top of my heaving chest. As he pulls out, he notice a red substance. "oh no...Jagi..i...are you hurting...oh baby i am so sorry..." i shake my head. He touches the blood, showing it to me. "I am so sorry baby..i didn't mean to be so rough..i guess i was jealous...i..i will make it up." he crawls upwards to me, kissing my swollen lips gently. I nod, snuggling into his chest. "lets cuddle and take a rest...i will make dinner later..." he pulls me close, running his hands through my hair, softly humming in my ear. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep in his arms.

Okay...i am going to be honest...i think its okay...i feel as though i could have been better...i hope you like it 친구...this was actually my first ever Daddy Kink i have actually wrote, but not my first smut....i hope it is what you wanted..


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