Chapter 31 ❤️

Start from the beginning

I looked to Cameron to see if that's what he wanted or by some miracle he wanted to leave, but he nodded instead. "Yeah that sounds good," he said to Matthew before looking at me. "Sounds good right?" He asked, making sure I was fine with it. I nodded and he looked up at Alyssa next.

Apparently Matthew followed Cam's stare because he was laughing to himself a second later saying, "oh, Alyssa, I didn't see you there! You can come too of course."

Alyssa just smiled and nodded, a bit of anger lingering in her facial expression? "Yeah I'll be there," she assured him and he nodded before turning to the room.

Along with Cam I went to follow him, not knowing where to go otherwise, but I felt Alyssa tug on my arm. "Wait," she pleaded and I grabbed Cam's arm.

"I'm gonna wait here with Alyssa, but you can go on with Matt," I said and he looked at Alyssa then me.

"Ok, just make sure you find me later, ok?" I nodded and he leaned over and kissed me.

I smiled into it and have him another quick one after. After he tried to kiss me again, I softly pushed him away and laughed, "you'll see me in a few minutes calm down!"

He laughed too and agreed. "Alright see you in a few," and he left.

I turned back to Alyssa and she was pouring a drink. "You know, you never told me why you left camp," she informed me and I felt my heart drop.

I went from the top of the world to flat on the ground, just thinking about my family drama. "It's long and complicated," I told her, shaking my head.

"Are you ok?" She asked placing a hand on my shoulder. "I'm usually really good with advice, maybe I can help you?"

"I don't know," I said, playing with an empty plastic cup on the island counter. "I don't wanna ruin the night with my terrible personal life."

Alyssa placed her hands on her hips. "Cass, I'm your friend. My job is to be there for you and I happily be there for you whenever you need me; like now. I know you'd do the same for me," she smiled.

I smiled back. "Ok," I sighed, "here goes nothing..."


"Holy crap, Cass, that's unbelievable!" Alyssa's eyes were wide and I could tell she was shocked. "I never would've thought..."

"Yeah," I laughed, "me either." Alyssa shook her head and took a sip of her drink. "So any advice?" I teased and Alyssa shrugged.

"One of these?" She said, but I shook my head.

"Anything else," I chuckled.

Alyssa huffed, "I refuse to take no as an answer! You need a drink asap!" She began mixing the drink.

"No I–"

"Don't worry!" She cut me off. "You'll be fine."

"I know it's just that—"

"Cam doesn't really drink so he can drive and you guys will be good. I mean I'll drive you back to camp if I have to!" She laughed pouring in a lot of alcohol.

"No really, Alyssa, I—"

"It's ok I make the best drinks and it won't be super nasty I promise!"


"Ok maybe I haven't made many drinks or any at all but I've seen people make them many times and I think I got it down."

"That's not it, I—"

"Cass," she stopped me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I heard your story and now I'm helping. You need to get drunk really badly. You just need to relax and forget about your problems. I'm not saying get shitfaced because that won't help, I'm just saying we will get a little alcohol in your system and we'll have fun and—oh my god.."

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