Chapter 2 ❤️

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The meeting ended as soon as we went over the Do's and Don'ts of the camp, but because everyone already knew them, no one payed attention. It felt so weird being the only one attentive, but I already felt awkward and out of place so how bad could it be to feel that way a little while longer?

All these people were new and I was walking on a tightrope here. Anything I do can easily make me fall off my rope and after that, it'll be a real struggle getting back up. That's why I envied that girl, Mahogany I think her name was. She looked like she knew who she was and wasn't afraid to show anyone. I doubt she would be as worried as I am now. I kinda just wanted to be like that.

Rob officially dismissed the group and everyone jumped up and rushed for the door. People pushed and shoved their way through the frame and I decided it was better if I just stayed back. I was in no hurry to get out anyway so why get tangled up in that mess? "Hi," a voice said from behind me, making me jump a little. Well maybe not a little but who can blame me she basically came out of nowhere! "Oh my God I'm so sorry," the girl apologized as I turned around, clearly shook up.

"No, no," I said feeling my heart slow down to a normal pace. "It's alright. I just thought everyone was fighting to get out the door," I explain, making the girl laugh.

"Well the same rush out the door happens every year, and after the third time you learn to just wait for them to pass," she tells me as we stand back watching a few more elbow their way outside. "Too bad it took me loosing an earring to realize I should wait. But good for you for catching on so early," the girl patted me on the back and I snickered feeling like a little puppy dog.

"Thanks, um..." I trail off not knowing her name.

"Oh! Alyssa, I'm Alyssa. Alyssa Harris is my full name," she babbled a little with a small smile. Alyssa stuck out her hand to shake mine, allowing me to finally see her whole appearance not just a glimpse of her out of the corner of my eye.

Alyssa was a bit taller than me with red hair and an accent that I'm pretty sure was British. She looked really kind and friendly, like one of those people you would approach if you were new on the first day of school. She gave off the "hey I'm the nicest person in the world" kinda vibe, (which I'm pretty sure I just made up) and I was hoping she would be my first friend here. Fingers crossed.

I took Alyssa's hand and shook it with a smile, "I'm Cass."

"Yeah, I know. You're gonna be Cam's partner," she stated. I nodded, a little shocked by the fact that someone besides me was paying attention in that meeting.

"That I am," I reply. Seeing that the door was clear, I headed straight for it. As I left I hoped Alyssa would follow and continue the conversation because although I needed to make friends, I didn't want to be here any longer.

As I stepped through the threshold and into the warm morning sun, I smiled seeing Alyssa still closely behind me and not running off like the others in the camp. I began walking slowly so she could catch up and we could continue the conversation. I was thankful that I hadn't gone totally stone cold quiet and ruined the conversation... yet.

I watched as people took off in different directions all around, all of them keeping a quick pace. "Is everyone this excited to go and collect their kids?" I ask as the words come out sounding weird and unnatural, like someone individually gave birth to fifteen kids.

Ugh fifteen. Fifteen crazy, wild, and rambunctious kids that I would be stuck with for the next whole six weeks. Maybe I would get lucky and they'd listen, but with my luck I doubt it. And considering my experience with kids I doubt I'd like their inability to listen and might just have to lock them all in a room the whole time and just relax instead of watching them.

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