Chapter 25 ❤️

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Out of breath, I burst into my cabin, not caring about the few campers who litter the grounds outside. As I step through the threshold and lightly close the door behind me, I never cease eye contact with Jack. Jack sits on my bed, his countenance holding looks of sadness and pain-although the signs were so small, I don't think anyone besides people who were close to him would be able to tell.

"Hey," he greets me, his voice soft. I move from the door and flash him a few-second-lasting smile.

"Hey." I take a seat at the other end of my bed. Never while we were alone did we ever look or feel this distant and I hated this. It didn't feel right. But nothing about this entire situation did. My brain reminded me how he hurt me and how I should run from him, but my heart wanted me to jump in his arms and never let go. I felt like a huge mess of confusion and contradictions.

"I'm sorry-" we both started at the same time, making both of us laugh a little. "You go first-" we spoke in unison again. "You go," he said.

I pushed my lips into a line and nodded, "ok. Well, I just wanted to apologize for everything. I know I put you through hell, just like I put myself through hell, and I didn't mean to do that at all. All I ever want to do is make you happy, but clearly I couldn't do it, so I don't blame you for breaking up with me," I sigh. I've been so mad and upset with Jack breaking up with me, but not until recently did I realize I was truly to blame. I have always hated being at fault or even accused of anything, so realizing this was not easy, but it needed to be done.

"Cass," Jack said, scooting over to where our knees touched. I feel my skin prickle where we make contact and it gets more prominent when he moves to cup my cheeks, "it's not all your fault. Yes we both aren't innocent for the falling apart of our relationship, but you're not all to blame like you think. Not even close. I shouldn't have overreacted to... what you did, though it shouldn't have happened," he says and I drop my head. Jack lifts my face to become parallel to his and stares me directly in the eye. "Cass, I had no right to embarrass you like I did and I don't expect you to forgive me, but know that every second we were together and even now, I have been falling in love with you. I don't know when I'll stop and maybe I never won't, but I just needed you to know that. If we're dating, if we're just friends, or if we're enemies, it doesn't matter because it will still be true."

My heart jumps at his revelation as I hear him speak every word I've wanted to say. I was no where close to knowing it, but I was falling in love with Jack. Spending so much time near him or thinking of him, it was hard not to. I couldn't think let along speak at the moment, due to the singing of my blood in my veins.

Deciding not to reply with words, I smash my lips against Jack's. Even when I hated him for breaking my heart, I was falling in love with him and can still feel myself falling as his lips push against mine. Jack's arm wraps around my back and he pushes me against his body. I feel the tingles on my skin I'm so used to when we make contact and I smile at the familiarity.

I pull back to catch my breath and I find myself staring at the beautiful boy in front of me. My fingertips trace down his cheekbone and then the slope of his jaw. "I'm falling for you too, Jack Gilinsky, and honestly at one point I wished I could stop, but I only now realized that it's irrevocable. I realized I was stupid and nothing I did would change how I felt for you no matter how much I wanted it to."

The corner of Jack's lip turns into a smile and I feel a piece of my heart warm at the sight. "You mean that?" He asks and I bob my head up and down.

"I do. I really do." Jack full on smiles, teeth and all, and I can't hold myself back as I kiss his lips again quickly. "Hopefully this time nothing or no one will try and stop us from falling."

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