Chapter 1 ❤️

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Summer jobs were possibly the worst part of this fun in the sun season. Yes it brought money and money brought new phones and clothes and trips but that still didn't make it fun. I hated working, but since my parents were paying for my apartment and college education, and since they insisted that I get a job, I had to.

If you asked me what I would rather be doing during my summer, I would tell you going to Paris with my friends. But instead, I was here. At a summer camp.

Here I had to be grown up and responsible. In Paris I could do the opposite, I could just hang out with my friends no worries no cares. Here I had to wake up at eight every morning as part of protocol for my dumb camp counselor job, and if I was in Paris I could wake up whenever the hell I pleased. Here I had to eat food made in a nasty kitchen that I hope is cleaned everyday, but in Paris I'm sure I could find a five star restaurant where I'm served delicious food at my own table with no cafeterias in sight.

So yeah I'd rather be in Paris with my friends doing whatever whenever but apparently life isn't fair. I will just have to suck it up and become a counselor.

Counseling wasn't my idea. I've never been to a sleep away camp as a kid so I never had the dream of becoming a counselor, but my father knew the guy who ran this place so he got me this job. At one point in my life I had wanted to go to sleep away camp but I later outgrew that dream and I now just wanted to be in Paris.

My dad said I should be excited to come since he talked to his old college friend, Rob, who was in charge and apparently he heard "nothing but great things" about this place, but I doubt it was all true. According to my dad Id stay on a large site that resembled the camp from a lovely summer romance movie, but from my spot in the passenger's seat all I could see was the summer camp from Friday the 13th. The same movie which made me have nightmares for a week straight. Nothing says "Happy Summer" like a murder spree at camp.

My sister's car pulled up to the camp and found its way into a parking spot that looked nothing like one from back home. By back home I mean Los Angeles where the sun is hot and the beach is near. The place where if you drive anywhere there will be a littered cement constructed parking lot waiting to hold your car, not one that was covered with alien leaves, humongous pine cones, and the weird smell of fresh air. Everyone talks about wanting to be one with nature and living green and all that crap but honestly I didn't mind a concrete jungle.

"Well here you go. Now get out," my sister so lovingly told me. I gave her a look and a finger to accompany it which made her laugh. My sister pulled me into a hug still laughing in my ear as her arms wrapped around me. Although she could be the most annoying person on earth I would still rather have her come here with me than be alone. The only reason that didn't happen was because my want to have her suffer at our Aunt's house, outweighed everything else. "Please don't make me go back to Aunt Amy's," she begged once I let go.

"Sorry," I shrugged, "no can do."

"Please," she cried throwing herself against the steering wheel. My little sister Carson was always one for a dramatic effect, if she didn't think she was too cool to be in the plays at school she'd might actually do well. "I only make it through this trip every summer because I have you! And now that you have to work at this dump what the hell am I supposed to do at stupid old Aunt Amy's?" She whined.

I tapped my chin in faux contemplation before saying, "suck it up." Carson rolled her eyes at my answer but I didn't pay any attention to it. "That's what I had to do when mom and dad thought you were too young to come along with me. I was all alone with Auntie Amy for too many years and now it's your turn."

With that I push open the door and make my way to the trunk where my bags are. Since I was the oldest I would be forced to go every summer to go visit my Aunt Amy all by myself. You'd think it would be fun to go to another state without parents for nearly two months but you'd change your mind after going to my Aunt's. It was especially surprising when you know my Aunt and her personality. I guess it was more disappointing than boring, but we'd never tell her that. "You know just cause you had to deal with her then doesn't mean I have to now!" Carson yelled from the front of the car. "It's not too late to flake and get back in! You can drive if you want!"

The Counselors - Youtubers/Magcon FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora