Riley X Reader

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Thank you to SapphireIgnitedJewel for requesting this chapter! Please enjoy ^3^

(Sorry about not having a picture at the moment, I'm working on finding one)


[Your POV]

Oh, where is he?!

I pace back and forth in my little apartment room, straightening up any little detail that is out of place, trying to pass time.

Riley was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago so we could study together! Finals are soon, so we agreed to meet at the park to study, but...

It's too rainy, so we decided to just continue at my apartment. But someone hasn't shown up to start.

"I hope he doesn't plan on making me wait here all night!-"

Just as I finish my sentence, someone knocks at the door. I open up to see a somewhat tall boy, with a grin so sheepish I could just smack him.

"It took ya long enough!" I shout at him. He hides his face with a white, square box.

He opens it, stuttering like he's about to have a nervous breakdown as he speaks. "I-I'm sorry, ______-Sama! I st-stopped to get you a p-present!"

The smell of chocolate cake fills the hallway. He seems to calm to a little when he sees the pure joy on my face. I pull him into my apartment room, taking the cake from his hands.

"Awww, you didn't have to get me anything! I can't stay mad at you!" I give him a big hug, laughing when I hear a nervous giggle escape his throat.

We start studying, but...

Five minutes later, Riley's already passed out on the ground.


I can't say I blame him, though. It's already 9:00.

... 9:00?! What am I saying?! He's just lazy!

I lean over, putting my face really close to his ear. I take a big breath, ready to shout at him, but before any words can leave my mouth, I'm tackled to the ground by a pair of strong, gloved hands.

Pinned, I glare into a pair of sparkling green eyes. Under the eyes is the goofiest triumphant grin.

"You faker..." I grumble, only making his smile bigger.

"Well, _____-Sama, if you weren't so hard to get, it wouldn't have to come to this" Riley says to me, blushing but confident.

A tint of red sneaks across my cheeks, staring into every cute detail of his face...

He starts a sentence, but doesn't get to finishing his first word because I had already closed the distance between us.

His eyes widen in shock. He pulls back and his blush gets 10 shades darker.

"Is that not what you wanted?!" I ask angrily.

"... You know, for someone who studies so much, you aren't very smart. You lack basic common sense."

The nerve of this boy! How dare he?!

I begin to retort, but this time Riley is the one doing the interrupting, kissing me passionately.

I don't know whether to fight it or enjoy it, but my body decides to do the latter. I pull him closer, turning this into a contest of love... Or something...

"I love you, _____!..." The black haired boy gasps, pulling pushing away. I pull him back in, not letting him give up.

"Stop talking! You'll ruin it, baka!"


After that, we split chocolate cake and got back to studying. I must've fell asleep though, because the next morning I woke up in my bed with Riley.

We were both late for school that morning, but we made it in time for the finals. In short, we both passed, and...

Well, he only got cuter every passing day.


And scene! X3

That do anything for you guys?! XD I'm so happy to finally put out something after so long! I know I've been promising FORVER, and now its been done!

This was fun for me to write, despite being really short... But let me know what you think in the comments! Remember, Im always willing to take requests, and don't forget to vote and follow!

And thanks again to SapphireIgnitedJewel for the request for this chapter!

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