Chapter 6- First Gym Challenge!

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Hello again, PokéFans!

Sorry for the loooooooong delay, my great grandma just passed, and it's been really hard on everyone, so I haven't been able to think much lately.

But: I finally recovered, so here's chapter 6!

(Pic of Roark, his team, and Coal Badge)

[Riley's POV]

After hours of patiently waiting in line at the PokéCenter, Starla and I finally got to the counter and restored Ree back to full health.

We walk out of the PokéCenter, and Ree takes a big, deep breath of air.

"Ah, finally!" He exclaims. "Fresh air, no more hospital air!"

I roll my eyes and take a look at my map, and look for where we should head next.

Starla walks over to me and hands me a corn dog, that I gladly take and begin to eat. She had left us while we were still waiting in line so she could go get some lunch.

"I think we should head to Oreburgh City, that's where the first gym is" Starla suggests.

I think it over and decide to go.

I'm gonna take on the first gym.

With a determined smile, and dangerously huge ego, my group and I begin to head for Oreburgh City.

"Okay, let's start heading down Route 203, it's the quickest way to there" I inform the team as I begin walking.

[Starla's POV]

I watch the hyper black haired boy walk away, and can't help but feel sorry for him. He's gonna get crushed if he doesn't get a second Pokémon on his team...

"Hey, Riley" I tap my friend on his shoulder as he steps around some tall grass. "I was just thinking, maybe you should catch another Pokémon, to help you take on the first gym..."

The boy just laughs. "Hey, I got this, Star. Ree and I are strong enough, trust us." The blue Riolu jumps next to his partner and pumps his fist in the air.

"Yeah, we got this!" He exclaims.

I roll my eyes and keep walking.

They'll see my point sooner or later...

[Riley's POV]

"Alright, guys, we just have to get through this cave and we'll be in Oreburgh!" I hype, making Ree jump for joy and rush into the cave.

But, I can't shake the feeling that, well, maybe Starla's right. Ree might not be strong enough to take on the gym leader alone.

Nah, she just doesn't have enough faith in us. We can do this!

[Ree's POV]

Running as fast as I can, I make it out of the cave in no time, and arrive in the infamous Oreburgh City.

I look forward and spot the gym, and my eyes instantly get wider. "Wow... it's so... big..."

I can't believe it... it's super huge...

I start to feel Beautifly in my stomach, and get some second thoughts about challenging that gym.

Maybe Starla was right... I don't think I can do this on my own...

I turn and head back into the cave, to find Riley sneaking up on a Psyduck, PokéBall in hand.

Hmph, thank Arceus I'm not the only one who thought twice about fighting alone.

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