Chapter 2- Pokédex

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Hey guys! Just wanted to let y'all know that I wrote a short story ^.^

I called it "The Reaper" because, well, it kills?

Idk it's my first horror story, nonetheless short story, so plz go read it and tell me what u think, it might need some more editing, yeah...

(Pic of Barry, Lucas, Dawn, and Professor Rowan)

Enjoy! ---------------------------

[Riley's POV]

The first step I take outside of the castle feels different than any other time.

I take a big breathe, and begin walking, Ree right at my side.

I reach the pier and pull a whistle out of my coat pocket. I blow on the whistle, and a huge, blue whale Pokémon with two fins on either side of it's body rises from the water.

"Waaaiiiilord" the Pokémon cries.

Ree and I jump on top of the huge Pokémon, and I pull a map out of my backpack, lowering it into the Wailord's line of sight.

I point to the area I want to go to, and Wailord's starts surfing off towards Sandgem Town.

-2 hour time skip-

"Waaaiiiilord" the big whale Pokémon cries, waking Ree and I from our naps.

*Yaaawn* "Thanks, Wailord" I shout as I jump off the big blue whale, followed by Ree, who waves goodbye.

Ree and I start walking off the shore, and not too long after, I hear something from a nearby bush.

"Doof, doof, Bidoof!"

I turn and see a small, brown Pokémon with two big buck teeth, chewing on an Oran berry.

"Hey, look!" I excite. "A Bidoof!"

Ree turns, eyes sparkling with hope.

"Can I fight it? Pleeeaaase?!" He asks happily.

I sweat drop. Ree's never been in a Pokémon battle before... I don't know what moves he knows...

"O-okay..." I stutter.

Ree jumps with joy, then gets into a really goofy fighting stance.

The small Bidoof looks at Ree curiously, then charges.

Ree's eyes widen.

"What do I do?!" He asks frantically.

My eyes get wide as well. I start to rack my brain of any attack moves Ree could use to counter.

"Use Volt Tackle?!" I shout back.

Ree looks at me and just deadpans.

Right, not an Electric Type...

Suddenly, Ree gets slammed by the wild Bidoof, falling to the ground.

"Ow..." he grumbles.

"Try using Quick Attack" a man's voice calls from behind me.

Without hesitation, I shout "Use Quick Attack, Ree!"

Then, out of nowhere, Ree's body is surrounded with a strange white light, as he starts rapidly running zig-zags at the small Bidoof.

He rams into the tiny Pokémon, sending it flying into a tree, knocking it unconscious.

"Yeah, nice one!" I shout, giving my short blue Pokémon a high five.

Suddenly, Ree's body flashes an odd blue color, and his eyes flash white.

"W-what was that?!" I question, somewhat scared.

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